LGBT+ Internet mailing lists
how to make updates: How to update the QRD's List of Email LGB* Lists (1.4K, 2/1/1997)
aaih: (414 bytes, 12/31/1997)
abbs: AIDS BBS List (1.2K, 2/27/1995)
accessing the lgbt lol: (8.5K, 7/14/1995)
action alert: Urgent calls for action only (2.8K, 7/28/1998)
actup: ACT-UP Discussion (694 bytes, 2/27/1995)
aids: (846 bytes, 11/22/1995)
aidslink: (659 bytes, 6/28/1999)
aimglc: (1.1K, 6/5/1997)
alternates: Alternate Lifestyles (2.1K, 12/6/1998)
angles: American Network of Gay and Lesbian Law Students (620 bytes, 6/11/1995)
apanet: Asian-Pacific-American net (1.6K, 2/27/1995)
arenal: hispanohablantes LGB (2.1K, 1/23/1996)
atlanta gay center: (1.1K, 3/11/1996)
auglbc l: American University and IGLYO lgb (857 bytes, 2/27/1995)
ausgblf: Australian GBLF List (873 bytes, 2/27/1995)
avatar la: (265 bytes, 9/26/1998)
avmail: Gay & Lesbian Aviation Issues (862 bytes, 5/27/1995)
ba bi: (5.5K, 5/31/1997)
ba cyberdykes: SF Bay Area Dyke Chat [women] (301 bytes, 12/7/1998)
ba fatdykes: (1.2K, 12/21/1997)
ba sappho: Bay Area Lesbians [women] (308 bytes, 12/7/1998)
bears: News and discussion for bears and bear-lovers (6.5K, 2/27/1995)
belgian list: (1Kb, 6/26/1996)
bglaad college world: (1.8K, 3/1/1999)
biact l: Bisexual Activists (664 bytes, 2/27/1995)
bifem l: Bisexual Women and Feminists (2.5K, 2/27/1995)
bisexu l: Bisexuality Discussion (1.6K, 2/27/1995)
bithry l: Bisexual Theory (1.2K, 2/27/1995)
biversity: Boston-area Bisexual (1.2K, 6/10/1996)
biyouth: (3.3K, 10/11/1997)
black radical congress lgbt: (1Kb, 6/4/1999)
bmmamerica: bi married men of America (778 bytes, 12/6/1995)
bookwoman: Lesbian writing [women] (3.8K, 2/27/1995)
boychicks: Butch identity and gender issues for queer women [women] (2.2K, 2/27/1995)
butch2butch l: (959 bytes, 3/4/2000)
cambridge area: LGB Lists at MIT and Harvard (643 bytes, 12/21/1997)
cat aids: (1.9K, 3/13/1997)
cat glb youth: (1.9K, 3/13/1997)
cd forum: cross-dressing, transsexuality, and other gender issues (634 bytes, 7/2/1995)
cfj: (Ohio) Citizens for Justice (622 bytes, 2/27/1995)
channel q: (1.9K, 4/19/1997)
charlotte rainbow news: (6.7K, 11/10/1999)
chi motss: Chicagoland motss (1.1K, 4/19/1998)
chlgbt l: (1.6K, 1/16/1998)
chorus: GALA Chorus List (1.2K, 4/1/1997)
chub mailing list: (512 bytes, 10/9/1996)
classics: ClassicsLGB (2.4K, 1/23/1996)
clgsg l: Coalition of Lesbian/Gay Student Groups (894 bytes, 2/27/1995)
clubheaven: (931 bytes, 1/22/1999)
colorado: Colorado-ordinance mailing lists (2.7K, 2/27/1995)
crux: Sexuality, Spirituality, Faith and Social Justice (1.4K, 4/2/1995)
csu glb info: GLB employees of the California State Univ (853 bytes, 11/23/1995)
dadmail: (529 bytes, 6/29/1997)
dcfamily: (875 bytes, 7/16/1998)
dc motss: Washington DC motss (584 bytes, 2/27/1995)
dignity: GLB Catholics (4.2K, 2/27/1995)
diverse sexuality partners: (4Kb, 3/13/1996)
dk queer: (1.6K, 8/23/1995)
domestic: Domestic Partnership issues (975 bytes, 2/27/1995)
dont tell: On the US Armed Forces' policy toward LGB people (1.8K, 2/27/1995)
dq la: L.A. chapter of Digital Queers (1.3K, 5/9/1995)
dsa lgb: Democratic Socialists of America LGB Caucus (1.1K, 2/27/1995)
dykenet: Dykes-only [closed] (4.6K, 5/9/1995)
dykesalone: (1.3K, 11/2/1999)
eagles: Scouts, Scouters, and former Scouts (5.6K, 2/27/1995)
eanews: (3.2K, 2/18/1999)
egale l: (610 bytes, 8/11/2003)
eks: Equality Kansas (4.6K, 2/27/1995)
emoryglb: Emory University GLB (2.1K, 3/27/1996)
esteem: Gay and Bi Men's Self-esteem Project [men] (4.4K, 2/27/1995)
euro queer: European GLB discussions (4.4K, 2/27/1995)
euro queer studies: European perspectives in queer studies (3.3K, 2/27/1995)
euro sappho: European Lesbian discussion (1Kb, 2/27/1995)
fatdykes: for fat lesbians and our allies, women only (908 bytes, 8/16/1995)
fiercefemme: (631 bytes, 9/25/1999)
fl motss: Florida motss (715 bytes, 2/27/1995)
frontrange women: (1.1K, 11/26/1998)
ftr l: Fight the Right (519 bytes, 6/11/1995)
fundywatch: monitoring the fundamentalists (489 bytes, 6/11/1995)
gaglb: (2.1K, 3/27/1996)
gaybruins: (1Kb, 10/21/1995)
gaychat: (2.7K, 2/22/1998)
gaydads: gay/bi dads, dads to be, or daddy want-to-be's [men] (1.3K, 5/23/1995)
gay el: for Greeks and Greek-speaking people (546 bytes, 7/29/1997)
gayhistory: (1Kb, 1/23/1999)
gayjews: Discussion for/about LGB Jews (837 bytes, 6/11/1995)
gay libn: Gay Librarians Network (782 bytes, 2/27/1995)
gaymormons: Discussion for/about gay mormons (999 bytes, 2/27/1995)
gay muslims: (2.6K, 12/24/1997)
gaynet: GLB Discussion and news (4.3K, 2/27/1995)
gaynet digest: (4.2K, 2/27/1995)
gaypoz: (8.3K, 10/2/1998)
gay teen l: (388 bytes, 12/29/1995)
geeq: (948 bytes, 6/6/1997)
gegstaff: GLB Caucus of the Assoc. of American Geographers (998 bytes, 2/27/1995)
ggala: GLB grad students at U Buffalo (775 bytes, 5/27/1995)
ggbb: girl-girl-boy-boy mailing list for same-sex couples (2.4K, 12/2/1995)
girl: for and about girls, young women, lesbian, queer-girl, feminist youth (990 bytes, 8/16/1995)
gl asb: Gay and Lesbian S/M and Bondage (3.6K, 2/27/1995)
glba rensselaer polytechnic institute: (1.6K, 6/4/1999)
glb discuss: (1.5K, 1/23/1996)
glb grad: GLB Grad Students UC Sta Barbara (553 bytes, 2/27/1995)
glb latinos: (2.4K, 1/12/1998)
glbmath: Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Mathematicians (1.7K, 2/27/1995)
glb medical: GLB Medical Students (2.2K, 10/3/1998)
glb news: News of interest to LGBTF folk (2.3K, 1/23/1996)
glbnews guidelines, 01/17/95: (4.8K)
glb parenting: (529 bytes, 7/5/1998)
glb penpals: (1Kb, 12/19/1996)
glbpoc: G/L/B/T people of color and others (1Kb, 8/11/2003)
glbpoc nyc: (1.6K, 8/11/2003)
glbpoc old: (1.2K, 8/11/2003)
glb press: (1.6K, 1/23/1996)
glb rowing: (685 bytes, 8/31/1998)
glbtbookworms l: (1Kb, 3/4/2000)
glbt businesses: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) Businesses (1.3K, 12/26/1996)
glbtcrafters l: (1.2K, 3/4/2000)
glbt news: (1.3K, 12/20/1997)
glbt workplace: (1.4K, 3/17/1997)
glesol: LGB+ TESOL/ESL teachers (1.5K, 6/11/1995)
glmglbcn: Great Lakes/Midwest GLB College Network (3.2K, 6/11/1995)
glqsoc: Gay/Lesbian/Queer social sciences (1.5K, 2/27/1995)
g sq dance: International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (442 bytes, 8/16/1995)
hanarchy: (1.4K, 11/26/1998)
hate crimes: (3.3K, 7/31/1998)
hepatitis b on: (2.2K, 10/20/1998)
hiv law: (4.7K, 11/24/1997)
hkqueer: (5.5K, 4/21/1996)
homoradio: producing radio for the LGBT community (2.3K, 3/20/1995)
horsewomen: (1.1K, 11/26/1998)
hullmotss: (575 bytes, 11/19/1999)
idaho: Freedom Idaho, people fighting the Idaho Citizens Alliance (503 bytes, 2/27/1995)
iglha: International Gay & Lesbian Hockey Association (2.6K, 2/27/1995)
iglhrc: International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (1.7K, 2/27/1995)
inyourface: political action against gender oppression (4.3K, 1/23/1996)
irish queer studies: (1.3K, 10/24/1998)
israelforeignlesbos: (954 bytes, 8/14/1999)
kairos l: (6.8K, 12/7/1995)
khush: GLB South Asians (4.1K, 4/22/1995)
kidsofgays: for daughters and sons of LGBT folks (2.3K, 2/17/1996)
kinky girls: S/M Women's discussion [women] (2Kb, 2/27/1995)
koreanq: (380 bytes, 12/21/1997)
kqn: Kansas Queer News (2.1K, 5/30/1995)
labrys: Lesbian mailing list at Xerox [women] (1.9K, 2/27/1995)
lambda: University of Kentucky LGB (1Kb, 2/27/1995)
lambda t: List for people under 21 to meet and connect (525 bytes, 8/16/1995)
la motss: L.A.-Area LGB list (6.7K, 2/27/1995)
larc: (2.1K, 12/14/1996)
lbjw: Lesbian and Bisexual Jewish Women [women] (1.6K, 2/27/1995)
legal list: (1.9K, 4/20/1996)
les50talk: (523 bytes, 3/19/2000)
lesac net: Lesbian academics [women] (353 bytes, 12/7/1998)
lesbiangardens: (1.5K, 4/1/1997)
lesbians in science: (389 bytes, 12/20/1991)
lesbian studies: Lesbian studies [women] (4.6K, 5/29/1995)
lesbian writers: Lesbian writers mailing list (678 bytes, 1/25/1996)
lezbrian: (1.5K, 6/21/1996)
lgboffice: (2.1K, 3/27/1996)
lgbpsych: LGB Graduate Students in Psychology (2.7K, 2/27/1995)
lgb sports: The Gay Sports list (2.2K, 2/27/1995)
lgbt: issues affecting Cornell's LGBT community (2.4K, 5/27/1995)
lgbt info: (8.5K, 7/14/1995)
lgbt list of lists: (8.7K, 7/25/1995)
lgbt list of lists: (8.5K, 7/14/1995)
lgbt list of lists: (13K, 7/28/1995)
lgbt lol: (8.5K, 7/14/1995)
lgcwsd: Les/gay Square & CW Dancing (2.2K, 2/27/1995)
lgpea: British Columbia's Lesbian & Gay Provincial Employees Asscn. (1.9K, 6/11/1995)
lis: Lesbians in Science (2Kb, 2/27/1995)
living: lesbian & bi women living with a disability [women only] (1.2K, 2/27/1995)
logcabin texas: Log Cabin Republicans of Texas (4.4K, 5/27/1995)
louisiana news: Louisiana alerts, news & info (809 bytes, 6/11/1995)
luti: LGB Spirituality (1Kb, 4/2/1997)
maill: (852 bytes, 2/21/2000)
marriage: Equal marriage rights for gay & lesbian couples (4Kb, 6/11/1995)
matthew shepard update: (2.2K, 10/24/1998)
mblgcc: Midwest GLB* Collegiate Networking (1.2K, 2/27/1995)
medgay l: GL Medieval Studies (962 bytes, 2/27/1995)
me gaynet: Maine Gay Network (1.2K, 2/27/1995)
mln: (377 bytes, 3/11/1997)
moms: Lesbian Moms (2.1K, 2/27/1995)
moms at home: (3.6K, 6/6/1997)
mq: Manhattan Queers (Manhattan, Kansas, that is!) (3.6K, 2/27/1995)
mtminfo: (316 bytes, 12/12/1996)
naspaglb: LGB Network of the Nat'l Asso. of Student Personnel Administrators (4.1K, 3/11/1996)
ne social motss: North East Social motss (785 bytes, 2/27/1995)
new mailing list for french version of euroletter, 08/02/00: (862 bytes)
nglb l: (4.1K, 3/11/1996)
NGLTF action alert list: (2.2K, 12/16/1996)
ngltfcampus: (1.3K, 11/17/1995)
nj motss: New Jersey motss (928 bytes, 2/27/1995)
nmqn: New Mexico Queer Net (542 bytes, 5/29/1995)
noglstp: National Organization of Gay & Lesbian Scientists & Technical Professionals (1.4K, 3/6/1999)
nqi: (1.3K, 12/20/1996)
nwd mcc: (405 bytes, 5/4/1997)
nwu queer: National Writers Union Queer Caucus (5Kb, 2/27/1995)
nyclesbiansfun: (5.7K, 1/12/1999)
nzgblf: (2.8K, 6/26/1996)
oh motss: Ohio motss (865 bytes, 2/27/1995)
oiw: Cornell's "Out in the World" announcement list (753 bytes, 5/27/1995)
oregon news: People fighting the Oregon Citizens Alliance (505 bytes, 2/27/1995)
outil: Out in Linguistics (2.2K, 10/3/1995)
outrage: (2.6K, 11/10/1999)
owls: Older and Wiser Lesbians [women] (3.4K, 2/27/1995)
own: (5.9K, 10/25/1997)
pad announce: (1.1K, 11/6/1998)
pa expose: (4.1K, 3/13/1996)
pa motss: Pennsylvania motss (204 bytes, 2/27/1995)
partners: Carnegie-Mellon University Domestic Partnership (673 bytes, 2/27/1995)
pdmckinn bgmf: Bloomington [and ISU-area] Gay Men's Fellowship (2.8K, 5/27/1995)
pdx motss: Portland (Oregon) area LGB issues (653 bytes, 2/27/1995)
pflag announce: (951 bytes, 6/11/1995)
pflag talk: for parents, friends, and family of gays and lesbians (2Kb, 6/11/1995)
phat family: (1.3K, 6/4/1999)
phl motss: (1.1K, 12/16/1996)
plgc: (448 bytes, 11/9/1995)
politidykes: Politidykes-- political, progressive! [women] (2.6K, 2/27/1995)
poly dykes: (1.1K, 11/26/1998)
pride: (1.9K, 5/10/1997)
pulse: online edition of Pulse magazine (941 bytes, 2/27/1995)
q amstdy: (1.8K, 10/24/1997)
qapa l: Queer Asian Pacific Americans (1.1K, 2/27/1995)
qfamily: discussing queer family issues (1.6K, 8/7/1997)
q fish: (741 bytes, 12/1/1998)
qi: Queer Immigration issues (2.1K, 5/9/1995)
q liberty: LGBT Libertarian (2.3K, 2/27/1995)
qn: Queer Nation (1Kb, 2/27/1995)
qna: (1.5K, 6/26/1996)
qsa: queer studies aotearoa (Women's Studies at Massey University, New Zealand) (1Kb, 10/21/1995)
q saints: LDS and Restoration LGBT folks and allies (6.6K, 2/27/1995)
qsteps: (536 bytes, 10/20/1998)
qstudy l: Queer Studies (1.3K, 12/12/1996)
queerafrica: (1.6K, 8/6/1998)
queerarabs: (2.3K, 2/21/1996)
queercampus: Queer campus issues (1.6K, 2/27/1995)
queergirlies: (691 bytes, 8/9/1998)
queer it: (2.4K, 3/9/1996)
queerlaw: issues of sexual orientation and the law (2.6K, 4/10/1995)
queerleft: (4Kb, 6/2/1998)
queer marketing: (276 bytes, 5/23/1996)
queerpagan: (820 bytes, 12/21/1997)
queer parents: LGB moms/dads/co-moms & co-dads/& mommy & daddy wanna-bes (1.6K, 2/27/1995)
queerplanet: global LGB issues (2Kb, 2/27/1995)
queerpolitics: (4.6K, 12/17/1996)
queerpsych: for LGBT psych professionals and students (788 bytes, 8/25/1997)
queer punk: Discussion on the Queer Punk scene (766 bytes, 2/27/1995)
queerstage: (799 bytes, 5/12/1997)
quesoc: (6.2K, 10/13/1996)
radical dykes: (543 bytes, 2/7/1999)
rad q art: (3.2K, 5/12/1997)
regayn: (942 bytes, 11/16/1995)
religion: (4.4K, 3/8/1996)
rilgbt news: Rhode Island LGBT news (1.2K, 12/20/1996)
rww: (1.1K, 4/13/1997)
sappho: [women only] (3.6K, 2/27/1995)
sappho digest: (4.2K, 2/27/1995)
schools: (748 bytes, 2/2/1997)
sc lgbtcc: Santa Cruz LGBT (2.5K, 8/9/1997)
scotsgay: online edition of Scotsgay (1.3K, 6/11/1995)
seals lesbian discussion l: (1.8K, 12/1/1998)
sfdykemarch announce: (2.6K, 3/2/1996)
silverfox: (1.2K, 1/13/1998)
sistah net: A list for Lesbians and Bisexual women of African Descent (1.1K, 6/15/1996)
spouse support: Bisexual/Straight Spouse Support (1.6K, 8/20/1997)
srpflag: Southern Region PFLAG list (2.9K, 5/27/1995)
stonefemme: (715 bytes, 1/22/1999)
str8 spouse support: (1.6K, 8/20/1997)
systers out: Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Computer Science (4.7K, 2/27/1995)
tamuglb: Texas A&M Area GLB List (1Kb, 2/27/1995)
tgc l: (1Kb, 7/7/1996)
tg discuss: (867 bytes, 2/6/1996)
tgs pflag: for family and friends of transgendered folks (1.2K, 11/10/1995)
tg spirit: (1Kb, 2/6/1996)
the selling tree: (693 bytes, 4/15/1999)
tqhotline: (3.9K, 2/18/1996)
transactive: Transsexual and Transgender political issues (2.9K, 6/11/1995)
transgen: for and about transsexuals, transvestites and/or the transgendered (2Kb, 1/23/1996)
transgender mailing lists, 04/24/00: (3.1K)
trans menace: Transexual Menace (13K, 1/23/1996)
txdyke l: (788 bytes, 6/29/1997)
tx motss: Discussion of LGB issues in Texas. (1.4K, 10/28/1995)
ubqueer: U. Buffalo LGBT+ list (597 bytes, 1/23/1996)
ucla: (509 bytes, 1/23/1996)
uclgba: index of University of California LGB lists (3Kb, 2/27/1995)
uk motss: LGB life in the UK and Europe (4.5K, 2/27/1995)
uk motss women: LGB life in the UK and Europe Lesbian life in the UK and Europe [women] (4.5K, 2/27/1995)
ums lgb: University of Maryland LGB (2.7K, 2/27/1995)
univ of pacific: (1.4K, 11/30/1995)
unlgala: (2.1K, 10/15/1996)
virginia news: Virginia Lawsuits, Rallies, Events, Votes, etc (581 bytes, 2/27/1995)
vn gblf: Vietnamese Gays-Bisexuals-Lesbians-Trans-genders (12K, 10/21/1995)
w2w couples: (6Kb, 7/12/1996)
waglbf: Western Australia GLBF (1.1K, 6/11/1995)
we are family l: (1.1K, 3/4/2000)
western wash univ gl alumni: (706 bytes, 11/28/1999)
wombat: (5.6K, 6/22/1996)
wr golden glbt: (288 bytes, 3/11/1997)
wr hiv neg: (290 bytes, 3/11/1997)
yal: (1.1K, 11/26/1998)
young lesbiterians: (889 bytes, 8/13/1999)
youth21 25: (3.8K, 10/25/1997)
youth lists: (3.1K, 2/1/1997)
zrazy news, 07/13/00: (1.9K)