LGPEA: 6/11/95 Lesbian and Gay Provincial Employees Association - British Columbia (Canada). We began in the fall of 1993 and have meetings about every 2 months or so. The main interchange/activity is via an e-mail list, I accept any submissions & send out a fairly regular bulletin, which also includes a report from the last meeting, if there was one. There is *one* copy of the e-mailing list - the person responsible (right now, me) keeps it secure. People on the mailing list are asked not to print or keep copies of the list & when sending responses or information to LGPEA, to send it to me only. This is to ensure the confidentiality some members prefer. The purpose of LGPEA is: "To achieve a provincial civil service which fully respects and values the contributions of its lesbian, gay and bi-sexual employees. To be visible as a proud lesbian, gay & bi-sexual organization." Our goals are: - To eliminate prejudice as a bar to the hiring or advancement of lesbian, gay or bi-sexual persons. - To eliminate differential treatment of lesbian, gay and bi-sexual employees in employee benefits. - To educate employees about the effects of homophobia in the workplace. - To act as an information sharing and resource network. - To be a proactive voice for the lesbian, gay and bi-sexual community. - To be available as a community resource. Membership is open to any person employed by the provincial government, crown corporations, or agencies whose primary funding is from the provincial government. Active members are lesbian, gay or bi-sexual persons who agree with the LGPEA purposes & goals. Supporting members may be of any orientation & also agree with the purposes & goals. Active members have a voice & vote, supporting members may attend annual meetings & speak but not vote. To become a member of LGPEA, send e-mail to arichmond@galaxy.gov.bc.ca.