Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:46:14 -0400 (EDT) From: (John Hollister) GLQSOC-L is the gay/lesbian/queer social sciences list and is intended to facilitate coordination among sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, political scientists, psychologists, and anyone interested in any of these strategies for anti-homophobic research on lesbians, gays, bisexuals, queers, hustlers, romantic friends, hijras, bugarrones, maricones, tortilleras, xanith, trade (rough or gentle), bulldaggers, queens, and anyone who would flame me for forgetting them. To subscribe, send the message (with any random subject line): Subscribe GLQSOC-L Your Name to the address: (People on Bitnet need only use the section of the address in capital letters) Any problems, contact me (John Hollister) at It is a forum for debate about theories, methods, and insights, and for scholars to discuss their research. Please feel free to post announcements, calls for papers, job openings, or anything that will strengthen the infrastructure of the field. May the Queer God(dess) protect the list from prolific drivelmongering, chain letters, abusive flamewars, 'phobes, and misdirected subscription requests. Most listmembers subscribe to other related mailing lists, so this is NOT an appropriate place to crosspost news items, political mobilizations, etc. John Hollister