Older and Wiser Lesbians (OWLS) The OWLS list is a virtual meeting place for lesbians over 40 to gather and discuss ideas, concerns, and developments discovered in middle age. We are proud to recognize our age. GUIDELINES: Discussion is open to anything list members wish to discuss. This list is NOT a news group; please do not post news articles, action alerts, or meeting notices. Other Internet lists perform those functions. The OWLS list is private and closed; membership is limited to women. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: List membership is closed and private. Only list members can post to or receive mail from the list. Subscribe requests will be forwarded to the list owner for approval. Unsubscribe requests are processed automatically (when sent in the correct format to the correct address!) Majordomo is the listserv program that automatically handles e-mail and administrative requests for OWLS and other lists on vector. A complete list of majordomo commands is included at the end of this file. Majordomo does not understand ordinary English. It has no idea what you're saying unless you speak to it using the correct syntax. Please do not send it messages like, "please subscribe me", "subscribe jjones", "unsub me, I can't handle this volume!"...because if you do, nothing will happen. BASIC SUBSCRIPTION ETIQUETTE: A complete first and last name is required for list members. You must use the same e-address for sending and receiving list mail. If you change machines, or have your mail forwarded through an alias or another electronic address, please use the following instructions to have your list address changed automatically. If you try to post mail from an address other than the one from which you subscribed, majordomo will BOUNCE your mail back to you unsent. If someone posts to the list and your address is no longer valid, a copy of the bounced mail will come back to them and to the list owner EVERY TIME a LETTER is sent to the list. If you leave an institution or mail site, please unsubscribe first. If your mail begins bouncing to the list owner as Òuser unknownÓ, you will be unsubscribed without further notice. Finally, if you share this e-address with a friend on the Internet, please make sure you provide complete subscribe instructions and the subscription address. Please DO NOT share the posting address for OWLS. To SUBSCRIBE to OWLS: please send a message to MAJORDOMO@VECTOR.CASTI.COM In the body of the message, write SUBSCRIBE OWLS YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME Do NOT substitute or omit the brackets shown above; this may cause your request to be rejected. * if you have a .signature file that appears automatically after your message text, please add the word END on a line by itself after the SUBSCRIBE line. To POST to OWLS: please send a message to OWLS@vector.casti.com To UNSUBSCRIBE from OWLS: UNSUBSCRIBE OWLS YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME If you have any questions or problems related to the OWLS list, please review these instructions. For general list questions, please contact the list coordinator, Paula Steinhart. For administrative assistance, please contact the list wrangler, Dorsie Hathaway. Finally, please keep a copy of this file for later use. Paula Steinhart, list coordinator Dorsie Hathaway, list wrangler