[MARRIAGE] [03/31/95] majordomo@abacus.oxy.edu subscribe marriage This mailing list is designed to facilitate activism and an exchange of ideas and materials on how gay people can not just win, but keep the right to marry. It is focused on the impact of Hawaii's BAEHR V. LEWIN court case on the other 49 states of the U.S. Due to BAEHR V. LEWIN, it is likely that Hawaii will have same-sex marriages within two years. The organisation Hawai'i Equal Marriage Rights Project (HERMP) has been the main force underwriting the BAEHR case, along with the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (Lambda). Once we win in Hawaii, Lambda predicts a backlash in other states against recognition of lesbian and gay couples' marriages validly celebrated in Hawaii. Through its Marriage Project, Lambda coordinates and encourages political organizing and public education at the local and national level, in every state, beginning NOW. The U.S. constitution has a "full faith and credit" clause which MIGHT require the other 49 states to recognize Hawaii's same-sex marriages and the same-sex marriages of their own citizens who travel to Hawaii to get married. Already, foreseeing that same-sex couples' marriages will be recognized in Hawaii, the radical right in the other 49 states is mobilizing to block the transfer of these marriages to other states. It is hoped that the MARRIAGE list can be used as an organizing tool for people all around the United States to prepare for the time when same-sex marriage becomes a reality. It is NOT a mailing list to debate whether the idea of 'gay marriage' is a good idea or not. It IS a means by which news and information on the status of the BAEHR lawsuit can be communicated to interested parties. It can also be used to discuss tactics and strategies to get same-sex marriage laws implemented in other jurisdictions besides Hawaii. Lambda is asking every group to endorse the following "Marriage Resolution", and then to circulate it. The Marriage Resolution is intended both to build a coalition in support of equal marriage rights, and to give every person a tool for getting others discussing and supporting our right to marry. Please contact Lambda to sign your organization on to the Marriage Resolution, or to get more materials: 666 Broadway, 12th Floor, NY, NY 10012. Phone: 212-995-8585. Fax: 212-995-2306. The Marriage Resolution: Because marriage is a fundamental right under our Constitution, and because the Constitution guarantees equal protection of the law, Resolved, the State should permit gay and lesbian couples to marry and share fully and equally in the rights and responsibilities of marriage. The MARRIAGE list is an attempt to harness the power of the Internet as an organizing tool to promote the goal of same-sex marriage in the United States (and beyond). To join the MARRIAGE mailing list send a message to MAJORDOMO@abacus.oxy.edu with a one line message 'subscribe marriage'. To leave the list, send the one line message to Majordomo@abacus.oxy.edu 'unsubscribe marriage'. Commands included in Subject: headers are *ignored*. Do not send subscribe/unsubscribe messages to the full mailing list. They are also ignored. There is also a DIGEST version of the list. To subscribe to THAT version send the message 'subscribe marriage-digest' to Majordomo@abacus.oxy.edu. To unsubscribe to that list then email 'unsubscribe marriage-digest' to Majordomo@abacus.oxy.edu. To post to the list still email marriage@abacus.oxy.edu. MajorDomo is a computer program. You must send messages directly to the program to get on or off the list. For more info on commands that MajorDomo will honor, send the message 'help' to MajorDomo@abacus.oxy.edu. Sending the command 'info marriage' should get you a copy of this file. To post to the marriage list, send email to marriage@abacus.oxy.edu The administrative address for any other questions about getting on/off the list or anything else for MARRIAGE is MARRIAGE-owner@abacus.oxy.edu -- lol@qrd.org, 30 May 1995