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call for lgb submissions: (6Kb, 8/29/1993)
canada gay and lesbian studies association: (2.4K, 11/22/1995)
clags brochure: (2.3K, 9/27/1993)
crompton noll award, 10/01/98: (2.5K)
encyclopedia homosexuality new ed: (1.3K, 5/26/1994)
fall 1993 books: (3.4K, 6/23/1993)
gayacaj prn: (3.4K, 5/12/1993)
gay bookstores: (1Kb, 5/30/1993)
gay more: (4.5K, 1/1/1994)
gaypoetr prn: (2.9K, 5/12/1993)
gayrelig prn: (3.2K, 5/12/1993)
gays and lesbians in african studies: (4.2K, 12/9/1995)
gay scholarship 1: (1.4K, 4/20/1993)
gay scholarship 2: (837 bytes, 3/17/1992)
gay studies fellowships available, 2/15/94: (1Kb)
jls call for papers: (752 bytes, 5/23/1996)
kristen pfaff memorial scholarship, 10/09/97: (4.7K)
lesbigay scholars edirectory: (1.5K, 11/4/1993)
lgb and capitalism references: (953 bytes, 8/4/1993)
lgb studies list: (8.5K, 10/12/1994)
lgb studies list getting: (1.8K, 10/12/1994)
lynch history grant: (3.1K, 11/22/1995)
papers on queer theory and bisexuality: (1.3K, 11/21/1993)
press lst: (4.7K, 5/12/1993)
queer theory and lgbt academic resources, 07/22/99: (399 bytes)
sexual minority scholars conf wash dc Oct97: (1.1K, 4/20/1997)
south asian glb issues call for papers: (6.1K, 1/16/1995)
the mullican report available: (707 bytes, 1/16/1995)
usc queer center for scholars in residence: (12K, 1/14/1995)

See also:

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