Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 10:48:09 -0400 (EDT) From: ESTESWL@RASCAL.GUILFORD.EDU (WHAT HAD TIME TO SAY TO THIS? WHAT COULD SPACE PROVE?) Subject: actual list From: SMTP%"" 29-SEP-1994 06:23:26.18 To: Multiple recipients of list QSTUDY-L CC: Subj: Re: lesbian and gay studies programs Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 06:20:44 -0400 Reply-To: Queer Studies List Sender: Queer Studies List From: John Younger Subject: Re: lesbian and gay studies programs X-To: Sharon Jacobson To: Multiple recipients of list QSTUDY-L In-Reply-To: <> Hey Sharon, I'm still here -- John Younger (, and here's the list. UNIVERSITY GAY STUDIES PROGRAMS (original list compiled by Bruce J. Mcdonald) (up-dated: 10 September 1994) American University Slowly developing a Lesbian/Gay/Queer Studies program. Fall 1994: first openly lesbian/gay course ever on campus William Leap Antioch College Aurora University California State University, Chico California State University, Northridge: Center for Sex Research Cornell University: graduate minor in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual studies: Carolyn "Biddie" Martin, of the German Studies dept City University of New York: CLAGS (Center for Lesbian & Gay Studies) Duke University: LGB Studies Program: John G. Younger ( email discussion group: East Carolina University: one gay studies class (gay literature) open to honors students through the honors program only Rich Elkins, B-GLAD male Co-Chair ( Florida Atlantic University Spring 1994: grad class on the relationships between the historical development of black identity and lesbian/gay identity (Ken Goings, History Department) Spring 1995 introductory undergrduate course on lesbian and gay studies, Woman Studies Curriculum; developing a grad class on Lesbians, Gays and the Media, Communication Dept Fred Fejes Communication Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton FL 33431 (407) 367-3858 George Mason University, Fairfax VA GLBT Studies Project, courses in Queer Film and Theory (first offered Spring 93), Sexualities and Gender; and courses that touch on queer issues, including offerings in biology, women's studies, foreign languages. There is planned a LGB concentration in the Center for the Study of the Americas major (crossdisciplinary) and an eventual undergraduate minor Cynthia Fuchs English Dept #3E4, GMU, Fairfax VA 22030 Humboldt State University: Gay Studies Program?, Arcata, CA 95521 Hunter College Illinois State University Indiana University Michigan State University: no program, but is developing courses: Gershen Kaufman ( MiraCosta College Northern Illinois University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rutgers University San Francisco City College: degree in gay studies San Francisco State Univ.: degree in human sexuality with a g/l minor Southern Illinois University Stanford University: Lesbian/Gay Studies planning group has formed. $10,000 to fund a faculty seminar in Lesbian/Gay Studies for 94-95 and to provide course seed-grants to participating faculty. Prof. Estelle Freedman, History, is chairing the seminar. email discussion group: contact: Scott B. Stocker 415-723-9172 SUNY Plattsburgh: Dan Bennett, Male Co-chair ( Alita Cousins, Female Co-chair ( Texas A&M University, College Station University of Alabama/Birmingham a course ("The Politics of the Gay & Lesbian Rights Movement ") contact: Eric Hunt University of California, Berkeley: the Lesbian & Gay Center: Chris Murchison ( University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) -- Lesbian-Gay- Bisexual interdepartmental program Professor Peter B. Hammond Department of Anthropology 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024-1553 Phone (310) 825-3722 FAX (310) 206-7833 email: University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz: Nancy Stoller ( "lots of gay/lesb. courses" but no major University of Chicago: elizabeth stone freeman We started a "Gender Studies" probram, unofficially, as it were, by listing those courses that had significant g/l/b content for students to design a major around (students can do a major under the rubric of "General Studies in the Humanities") -- this was the quickest, cheapest, and sneakiest way to produce a significant change in the curriculum, and also one that would avoid producing a program that could not change with the times, or that was eventually ghettoized. I was in the curriculum development group for the gender studies program, taught one of its first core courses, and taught the University's first lesbian course, in lesbian literature and film. University of Colorado, Boulder: R L Widmann (widmann@spot.Colorado.EDU) 24 credit certificate program University of Georgia, Athens Pat Del Rey, director of Women's Studies University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa: Conference InQueery/InTheory/ InDeed: Sixth North American Conference on Lesbian University of Maine: K. Stoll (, developing an introductory, interdisciplinary course on LGB Issues, and an interdisciplinary course concentration for lesbian, gay and bisexual studies University of Maryland, College Park, Spring, 1994: les/bi/gay studies course for undergrads: William Cohen ( or University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Michigan (Law School, GLB Legal issues course) University of Minnesota University of Montreal: Dr. Robert K. Martin, ( [assistant: Spurvey Sean ] English Dept with 5 lesbian and gay studies specialists; research project on multiculturalism University of North Texas flg@ASC.UPENN.EDU University of Pennsylvania -- a lesbigay studies course (Communications 430: Communications, culture and sexual minorities, since 1980, cross- listed in womens studies and the graduate education's human sexuality program); an official (non-academic) Program for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community since about 1982. Also, the Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Academic Union has been bringing 3-4 speakers per semester to the campus (and surrounding area) for 11 years. Larry Gross University of Pittsburgh: LGAAP (Lesbian and Gay Academic Association), an unofficial group, 2 years old, hosting speakers Ray Anne Lockard ( Frick Fine Arts Library University of Pittsburgh Pittburgh, PA 15260 Phone: 412-648-2410 Fax: 412-648-7568 University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Dr. Holly Devor (HHDD@UVVM.UVIC.CA) University of Washington, Seattle: no formal program (some courses) University of Wisconsin-Madison, liaison to the LGB community on campus: Janice R. Sheppard( University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Christopher Lane ( 18 credit Certificate Program Intro to Gay and Lesbian Studies (required) Western Carolina University: Marilyn Jody (course on Gay and Lesbian Literature ) Western Washington University, CENTER FOR ADVANCED FEMINIST STUDIES Willamette University -- no queer studies courses, no women's studies major, but there is: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Allience contact: Minda Hedges 900 State St. F298 Salem, OR 97301. William and Mary: Gay Studies program, and an active GALA (alumni association) for W&M alums