Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 16:25:55 -0500 From: Jean Noble please distribute where relevant. thanx. jean noble Announcing the Toronto Centre for Lesbian and Gay Studies LYNCH HISTORY GRANT for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered History Applications for the 1996 Michael Lynch Grant in Queer History are now being sought. The $1000.00 grant is awarded by the Toronto Centre for Lesbian and Gay Studies and is open to individuals, groups, and organizations. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by an award selection committee comprised of lesbian and gay historians. Final approval of the grant will be made by the board of TCLGS based on the recommendations of the awards committee. The Michael Lynch History Grant is awarded every second year. The first grant was awarded to support the development of a panel on the 20-year history of lesbian and gay student activism in Montreal universities, the results of which were presented at the November 1992 La Ville en Rose Conference in Montreal. The grant is named for Michael Lynch, the late University of Toronto English professor, long-time gay and AIDS activist, and founder of the TCLGS. It is intended to support and encourage ambitious, in-depth history reseach projects by academic and community researchers. QUALIFYING PROJECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: 1. The Grant is not retroactive and must be used for the creation of new work. Projects must either commence or be in progress in 1996. 2. Projects must contribute to an understanding of the historical development of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered sexualities, identities, politics, and communities in Canada. Top priority will be given to projects that reflect the racial, cultural, linguistic, class or other differences which make up queer historical experience. 3. Projects may take any of the following formats: slide show, workshop, conference, oral history project, art exhibit, popular or academic article, pamphlet or book. Alternative formats are encouraged and welcomed. 4. Applicants are asked to submit: a. a three page outline of their project, describing its scope, objectives, and intended audience. b. an overall budget highlighting those expenditures for which the grant will be utilized. The budget should also include information on other grants received or expected, if applicable. c. a brief resume highlighting the applicant's qualifications and experience in the proposed field. 5. Applications, which may be in French or English, should be mailed to: THE MICHAEL LYNCH HISTORY GRANT, TORONTO CENTRE FOR LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES, 2 BLOOR STREET WEST, SUITE 100-129, TORONTO, ONTARIO M4W 3E2 6. Applications must be received no later than 31 March 1996. Results will be announced in May, 1996. For more information about the Michael Lynch Grant, write to TCLGS at the above address, call us at (416) 926-XTRA, ext 2810, or email us at . --- End of forwarded mail from "Mail Delivery Subsystem"