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ahrc report lgb youth excerpts, 09/95: (12K, 8/21/1997)
alameda co board passes prolgbt resolution, 10/29/95: (4Kb)
book donation followup: (6.1K, 8/21/1997)
book donation projects info: (4.2K, 8/21/1997)
book list glb in education: (4.7K, 8/21/1997)
ca ab1001 lobby day, 01/03/96: (8.1K)
ca curriculum comm applications invited, 12/95: (4.1K, 8/21/1997)
ca events, 01/96: (6.3K, 8/21/1997)
call for documents and conf announcement, 11/20/95: (3Kb)
calls for papers and proposals, 12/95: (4Kb, 8/21/1997)
ca youth lobby day schedule, 01/03/96: (2.7K)
colorado and alabama alerts, 11/17/95: (5.5K)
conferences of interest: (1.8K, 8/21/1997)
conf glb issues in education, 10/14/95: (5.4K)
cong hearings alert, 09/30/95: (3Kb)
contact state ed assns presidents, 10/05/95: (4.8K)
contact va school commision, 08/95: (3.1K, 8/21/1997)
cwa attacks nea, 11/95: (14K, 12/17/1995)
dont look the other way film needs money: (4.2K, 8/21/1997)
ed equity resources, 11/07/95: (5.3K)
ed resources, 05/14/95: (7.5K)
electronic salon schools and sexuality, 10/95: (4.7K, 8/21/1997)
equity ed safer schools resource directory: (1.7K, 8/21/1997)
equity resources, 07/30/95: (7.3K)
equity resources, 09/09/95: (3.5K)
fof packet on teaching religious issues, 10/95: (3.1K, 8/21/1997)
free safe schools report: (1.8K, 8/21/1997)
gender equity resources: (7Kb, 8/21/1997)
glstn web site launched, 10/95: (2.3K, 8/21/1997)
healing homophobia conf, 11/18/95: (6.6K)
hearing committee contact info, 12/95: (2.9K, 8/21/1997)
hearings rescheduled, 12/95: (4.9K, 8/21/1997)
homosexuality and schools hearing postponed, 09/95: (5.1K, 8/21/1997)
igle course offerings, 09/95: (2Kb, 8/21/1997)
issues info resources: (7Kb, 8/21/1997)
items from pa nh and tx, 12/09/95: (3.9K)
iwg letter on sheldon hearings, 10/02/95: (2.1K)
iwg letter re delaware, 10/31/95: (1.4K)
jessea letter correcting st paul paper, 08/23/95: (2.8K)
letters needed principals assns, 07/25/95: (1.9K)
lgb history display removed in sd, 10/95: (3Kb, 8/21/1997)
lg in our schools conf, 10/14/95: (3.6K)
misc resources, 07/15/95: (4.7K)
misc resources, 11/25/94: (3.1K)
misc resources youth and education: (6.4K, 8/21/1997)
more on ca lobby day, 01/03/96: (2.7K)
need input eric info system: (4.9K, 8/21/1997)
need input quality lgbt resources, 08/20/95: (4.2K)
need research or local pubs, 05/06/95: (2.4K)
new courses info ken sherrill, 08/95: (613 bytes, 8/21/1997)
new glb youth video needs contributers, 06/05/95: (6.4K)
person organizing manual released, 09/10/95: (5Kb)
person project brochure: (5Kb, 8/21/1997)
proposed health curriculum barely gay friendly, 08/95: (8.2K, 8/21/1997)
request hiv curricula, 11/07/95: (2.1K)
safe place poster available: (1.6K, 8/21/1997)
sample letter educ hearings, 09/22/95: (3.4K)
school meets rrr challenge, 09/95: (8.4K, 8/21/1997)
sexuality and aids resources k12: (3.4K, 8/21/1997)
sf and nh teachers news, 10/17/95: (6.6K)
sheldon hearings postponed indefinitely, 09/30/95: (1.9K)
sheldon targets la youth, 09/22/95: (5Kb)
submit written testimony cong record, 12/01/95: (8.2K)
support nasp and nasw, 12/95: (5.2K, 8/21/1997)
support sonoma project 10: (1.9K, 8/21/1997)
two new rrr tactics: (5Kb, 8/21/1997)
upcoming confs of interest: (23K, 8/21/1997)
youth book stays on shelves, 11/30/95: (2.9K)
zap sheldon hearings, 10/02/95: (2.7K)

.up. to top of page.