Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 19:56:09 -0800 From: (Jessea NR Greenman) Subject: Still More Ed. Equity Organizing Resources More resources for use in organizing for and providing educational equity for LGBT people in elementary and secondary public schools (N.B., ask any questions you may have about these resources of the providers themselves NOT of the sender of this message): From PFLAG: To order these, contact the PFLAG National office at 1101 14th St NW, Suite 1030, Washington DC 20005; 202-638-4200. Discounts are available for members, chapters, and bulk orders. "Our Daughters & Sons: Questions and Answers for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People." A 24 page pamphlet covering a wide range of topics vital to parents working to accept their child's sexuality and to build a stronger, more loving relationship with him or her. Includes a resource guide and recommended readings for parents and their children. "Respect All Youth: Youth and Homosexuality, Issue Paper #3." The revised 3rd edition in the highly acclaimed series published by PFLAG. Issue Paper #3 is designed for professionals who work with youth. 12 pages, the pamphlet includes clear and concise information on the implications of sexual diversity throughout childhood; distinctions between sexual identity, orientation, and behavior; the effects of stigmatization as children grow; and guidelines for creating hospitable settings for all children and youth. "Helping Gay & Lesbian Students." A parent describes her successful attempt to educate her community's educators about homosexuality. A youth leader discusses how to get the schools to work on lesbian and gay youth issues and to recognize the problems these youth encounter. PFLAG Public Referral Directory. Includes the address and phone number of over 360 PFLAG chapters IN EVERY STATE and 11 other countries. --------- "Both of My Moms' Names are Judy: Children of lesbians and gays speak out." (1995) Created by the Lesbian and Gay Parents Association (San Francisco) as a tool for elementary-school educators. A diverse group of children ages 7-11 tell us what it is like for them to have lesbian and gay parents. (10 and 1/4 minutes). Available as part of a packet of training materials for an "Overcoming Homophobia in the Elementary Classroom" workshop. Workshop materials including video, $50 (institutional rate) or $25 (individual). Above price includes tax, book-rate postage and handling. Make checks payable to LGPA, and send to LGPA, c/o 6705 California St., #1, San Francisco CA 94121. For more information, call 415-387-9886. --------- "We Were Marked with a Big A" and "After the War, You Have to Tell Everyone About the Dutch Gay Resistance Fighters," two films by Dr. Claus Muller (historian and filmmaker) about the gay experience in Nazi camps and fighting Nazis in the Dutch underground during WW II. Contact the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC for information on obtaining copies of these films. --------- "The Gay & Lesbian Literary Heritage," (June 1995; Henry Holt, 800 pp., $45). This reader's companion to writers and their work from antiquity to the present was edited by Claude J. Summers. Authors are arranged in alphabetical order; it is a guide to the writers, their works, and the transcultural and transhistorical legacy of gay and lesbian literature. Nearly 400 entries. --------- "LESBIANISM: An annotated Bibliography and Guide to the Literature, 1976-1991, " by Dolores J. Maggiore. (1992) ISBN 0-8108-2617-8, 271 pp, $32.50. Including more than 500 abstracts, this updated, revised edition of the base volume presents a comprehensive annotated bibliography of published AND UNPUBLISHED social science material, theses, journal articles, and books on lesbianism written 1976-1991 in the fields of social work, psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, medicine, law, gender studies, literature, and history. --------- "Toward Understanding...1 in 10 of us is Lesbian or Gay." in "Teaching Safer Sex," 1989, by the Center for Family Life Education: Planned Parenthood of Bergen County, 575 Main St., Hackensack NJ 07601; 201-489-1265. A high school lesson plan including suggestions for dealing with classroom heterosexism, procedures for exploring the myths about gay and lesbian people in small and large group discussions. Includes a bibliography for use in a class about or for gay and lesbian youth. --------- "You are Not Alone: National Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Organization Directory," Spring 1993. A listing of over 170 organizations that provide counselling, support groups, social events and other services to sexual minority and questioning youth in the USA and Canada. Suggested donation $5, Hetrick-Martin Institute, 2 Astor Place, NY NY 10003; phone= 212-633-8920. --------- A list of about 25 gay and lesbian teachers' organizations all over the US is available from "The Teachers Group, 267 Acoma, Denver, CO 80223. --------- A list of all the chapters of GLSTN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Teachers Network, is available from . --------- The National Education Association presents "Affording Equal Opportunity to Gay and Lesbian Students Through Teaching and Counselling, " regional workshops for NEA-member educational employees. Contact NEA, Human and Civil Rights Division, 1201 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036; phone= 202-232-8777. --------- "Responding to Homophobia: Toward a Safer School for All Students," a presentation by Rheua Stakely at the 1994 NAIS Annual Conference in Florida. To obtain a copy, write or call Magnamedia, Inc., 6420 Orange Bay Avenue, Orlando FL 32815. 407-351-1119. --------- "Making Schools Safe: Dealing with Issues of Gay and Lesbian Youth. Audio tapes from a conference held at Lesley College, Cambridge MA on April 3, 1993. Cambridge Transcriptions, 675 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA 02139; phone= 617-547-0200. --------- "Always My Kid: A family guide to understanding homosexuality," Triangle Video productions. 74-minutes. Features the experiences of PFLAG parents and their children in their personal journeys to understanding homosexuality and its implications for building stronger families. To order, contact Triangle Video Productions, 550 Westcott, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77007; phone= 713-869-4477; fax= 713-861-1577. --------- Online youth support group:, whose charter is "To offer support, understanding, and friendship to young people who are coming to terms with their sexuality." They screen messages and offer anonymous posting. --------- [Thanks to the Bridges Project of the American Friends Service Committee for some of this resource information]. (N.B., ask any questions you may have about these resources of the providers themselves NOT of the sender of this message) *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO RE-POST OR PRINT, WITH ATTRIBUTION Jessea Greenman Co-Founder, Project 21; ph/fax: 510-601-8883 586 62nd St. Oakland, CA 94609-1245 Web site, courtesy of "Gay & Lesbian Web Alliance": URL: Project 21 is *always* looking for more volunteer organizers. If you are interested, please contact Jessea as shown above.