Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 08:43:20 -0800 From: (Jessea Greenman) Subject: More resources for educational equity More educational equity resource information, provided as a public service by Project 21. CONTACT THE PROVIDERS INDICATED, NOT PROJECT 21. New Resource Guide Available: Gay, Lesbian Straight Teachers Network/Los Angeles member Bob Riddle, an academic dean at the Crossroads School, has completed his resource guide "Breaking the Silence: Addressing Gay Issues in Independent Schools." Including multiple resource lists, sample policies, and other useful documents, the guide will be helpful to all educators and especially to those working in independent schools. To obtain a copy, send a check for $11 to: Bob Riddle, The Crossroads School, 1714 21st St., Santa Monica, CA 90404-3994. ------- LOVE MAKES A FAMILY "Love Makes A Family" is a photograph-text exhibit of thirty families of diverse racial and economic backgrounds with lesbian or gay members--grandparents, parents and/or youth. The exhibit is designed to be used by parents, teachers, students and others interested in bringing issues of family diversity to their schools, community centers, churches and synagogues, colleges and museums beginning in the spring of 1995. There are two age-appropriate versions of the exhibit: one for elementary school students (K-6) and one for teenagers, college students, and adults. For information about bringing this exhibit to your community, contact: Pam Brown and Peggy Gillespie, POB 1216, Amherst MA 01004-1216 Phone: 413-256-0502 or 256-0049; fax 413-253-3977 Endorsed by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. ------------------- ALONE NO MORE: Developing a Support System for G/L Bi and Questioning Youth St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Dept. of Education, 1994 The purpose of this booklet is to reduce HIV infection transmission among youth at high risk for HIV infection and to reduce the other significant risk factors faced by g/l/bi/q youth--chemical use/abuse, depression, and suicide. These purposes can be accomplished, in part, by reducing the alienation of students through the creation of an environment that is not violent, that acknowledges them and their potential needs, and that provides support for them. These environmental changes are the focus of ALONE NO MORE. Cost: $2.50 for Minnesotans, $4.00 for out-of-state orders (includes shipping and handling), payable to Minnesota Department of Education. Available from : Prevention and Risk Reduction Team (AIDS/HIV/STD Program) Minnesota Department of Education- Room 984 550 Cedar Street St. Paul MN 55101 Requestee Name:___________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ School/Agency:____________________________________ City/Town:__________________________State:__________Zip:_____________ Jessea Greenman Co-Chair, Project 21, GLAAD/SFBA 1360 Mission #200, San Francisco CA 94103 ph/fax @ home: 510-601-8883 [Project 21 has received major funding from the Columbia Foundation.]