Roman Catholicismto "see also".
[dignity] LGB Catholics and friends
catholic doctrine on homosexuality: (64K, 3/10/1994)
catholic poll: (4.8K, 6/18/1992)
homosex and catholic church letter EXAMINER: (3Kb, 1/14/1995)
hotline for lgb catholics: (3.1K, 1/18/1995)
lesbian and gay catholic bibliography part 4: (409K, 11/15/1994)
list of papal attacks on homosexuality: (25K, 8/31/1994)
original vatican text: (10K, 9/2/1992)
papal attacks on lg persons since 1986: (25K, 11/15/1994)
polish catholic church on homosexuality: (3.4K, 12/14/1996)
pope vows to fight resolution on homosexuals: (2Kb, 2/21/1994)
protesters at catholic seminar on homophobia: (3.6K, 1/14/1995)
therapy group for gay clergy: (324 bytes, 4/7/1997)