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Paul Cameron
american sociological assn resolution: (2.1K, 6/19/1995)
background and rebuttal: (94K, 3/5/1995)
background and rebuttal more: (63K, 4/3/1995)
baker v wade: (65K, 4/30/1995)
claims he was molested: (2.5K, 5/15/1996)
evans v romer: (129K, 4/30/1995)
expert witness disqualification, 07/17/97: (27K)
filthy practices: (10K, 2/20/1995)
homosexual lifespan abstract: (1.4K, 5/9/1993)
homosexual sexual practices: (5.8K, 4/7/1995)
log cabin: (34K, 3/29/1995)
medical consequences of what homosexuals do: (29K, 6/5/1996)
medical consequences rebuttal2: (14K, 2/20/1995)
medical consequences rebuttal: (10K, 2/20/1995)
memorandum: (108K, 2/20/1995)
misinformation used in support of baptists, 07/08/97: (2.5K)
myths about sexual orientation: (17K, 6/19/1995)
sexual practices of homosexuals: (5.3K, 4/8/1995)
speaks in hate campaign against mississippi lesbs, 06/07/97: (2.2K)
takoma news tribune letters, 04/07/97: (5.2K)
weeks v state: (25K, 4/30/1995)

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