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anti gay campaigning survey, 09/29/94: (9.3K)
candidate victories, 09/14/94: (3.4K)
chiola wins primary: (3Kb, 3/16/1994)
denver council endorsement: (4.4K, 4/20/1994)
election night receptions, 11/08/94: (3.3K)
election results, 11/10/94: (3.7K)
fight the right training: (5.5K, 2/16/1994)
info request election homophobia, 11/10/94: (2.8K)
initiative training, 02/07/94: (2.5K)
letter from clinton: (1.6K, 3/9/1994)
missouri candidate van zandt wins, 08/03/94: (2.3K)
press release, 04/12/94: (2.8K)
recommends gl candidates, 01/14/94: (11K)
supports ten more candidates, 08/94: (8.2K, 8/5/1994)
susan leal: (2.4K, 11/4/1994)
three candidates win in primary, 06/08/94: (3.3K)
three more candidates win primaries, 09/14/94: (3.8K)
training press: (5.4K, 2/9/1994)
victory fund gets third early win: (2.3K, 8/8/1994)
victory fund honors officials: (2.8K, 5/31/1994)
victory fund reaches 200k mark: (2.4K, 5/31/1994)
victory fund recommends 10 new candidates, 08/94: (8.2K, 8/8/1994)
victory funds new candidates, 07/94: (2Kb, 8/5/1994)
victory fund supports candidates: (4.4K, 5/31/1994)
victory fund wins in california: (3.3K, 6/20/1994)

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