Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 18:49:27 -0500 From: (Van M Do) Subject: VF Fight The Right Training Is A Success ***************************************************************************** News Release News Release News Release News Release News Release News Release ***************************************************************************** Victory Fund Trains Leaders in Fight against Anti-Gay Initiatives WASHINGTON, DC 9 February 1994 In a bold move to counteract the right-wing backlash, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund held the first national training for community leaders fighting anti- gay ballot initiatives. More than 30 community leaders from 11 states attended the February 4 - 6 Victory Fund Training Institute for Initiative Campaigns in Washington, DC. According to Victory Fund Executive Director William Waybourn, the training armed local leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to win ballot initiative campaigns in their home states. In the past two years, the Radical Right has devoted a growing share of its extraordinary resources to promoting anti-gay ballot initiatives throughout the country. According to Brian Berquist, Co- Chair of the community-based Don't Sign On Campaign in Idaho, "The reason the Radical Right gave for attacking gays and lesbians was that we were powerless and would be easy to beat. This training will prove just how wrong they are." Community leaders from Oregon, Michigan, Montana, Idaho, Missouri, Maine, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Washington and Nevada attended the training and shared the tactics, strategies and lessons they have learned from their local initiative battles. "This weekend took a huge step toward providing the hands-on, nuts-and-bolts training we need to win a ballot-initiative campaign," says Leah Edelman of the Privacy Rights Education Project in Jacksonville, Florida. "The Victory Fund is creating the vision upon which we can build our political power and strengthen our communities." The intensive three-day Training Institute was coordinated with the efforts of other local and national groups who have joined forces to defeat the right wing's anti-gay agenda. "Fighting these ballot initiatives is critical in the ongoing battle to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans," notes Waybourn. "If the militant right succeeds in abolishing the civil rights of one group of Americans, whose rights will they come after next?" For more information call William Waybourn at (202) VICTORY. Quotes from Participants at the Victory Fund's Ballot Initiative Training Institute, 4 to 6 February 1994 "This training was a real milestone event for the states under attack by the Radical Right. Thanks to the Victory Fund, we're organized, informed and incredibly enthused. The spirit of excitement obtained here will carry us through this campaign." --Scott DeLong, Human Rights Project Kansas City, Missouri "The Victory Fund is creating the vision that we can build our political power and strengthen our communities. This weekend took a huge step toward providing the hands-on, nuts and bolts training we need to win this fight." --Leah Edelman, Privacy Rights Education Project St. Louis, Missouri "The Victory Fund provided a tremendous service to our community by giving practical and timely expertise on specific strategies for defeating anti-gay initiatives. The training was an extremely useful gathering of leaders from all the states involved in this fight." --Peter Crozier, Co-Chair, Arizonans for Fairness Coalition "At a time when our communities are being assaulted state by state, city by city, a comprehensive response, like this weekend's training gives my state both technical know-how and a sense of hope. We're not alone." --Alyn Wambeke, Jacksonville, Florida "The reason the radical right gave for attacking gays and lesbians in Idaho was that we were powerless and would be easy to beat. This weekend's training will prove just how wrong they were because we now have the knowledge and the enthusiasm to win this campaign. This was the single most valuable piece of training I have received from any organization. Very practical, useful, and important." --Brian Bergquist, Co-Chair, Don't Sign On Campaign, Idaho "The most important thing I am taking home to the campaign in Missouri is the affirmation that 'I can do this work!' My existing skills were sharpened and the Victory Fund has developed new ones - along with 30 pages of notes!" --David Weeda, Show Me Equality Campaign Committee Kansas City, Missouri "The Victory Fund training allowed us the opportunity to better use the resources within Missouri and from other target states. The clear, concise, extremely useful, hands-on information was excellent for activists in the beginning mode of their campaign." --Linda Shapauka, Campaign for Human Dignity, Michigan "The training provided by the Victory Fund has made me realize the massive, untapped resources we have in the State of Nevada. The instruction was invaluable." --Rob Schlegel, Campaign for Liberty Las Vegas, Nevada ### If you would like to contact any of the participants or their organizations, please call 202-VICTORY for more information. Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund 1012 14th Street, NW Suite 707 Washington DC 20005 voice: 202-842-8679 fax: 202-289-3863 email: