The Traditional Values Coalition
Please forward any suggestions or submissions that you have for this page to
Official Traditional Values Coalition home page
A profile of the Traditional Values Coalition
Freedom Writer November 1995, "GOP shells out to Sheldon"
Freedom Writer October 1995, "Sheldon Agitates for Gramm"
HRC Press Release: House Invocation by Anti-Gay Extremist Sparks Outrage
Promotional letter by Lou Sheldon for his video "Gay Rights / Special Rights".
A letter purportedly written by Lou Sheldon's daughter Andrea, regarding the March on Washington.
One of Lou Sheldon's fundraising letters, written about the time of the March on Washington (1993), evoking images of militant homosexuals battling to destroy family values.
A Lou Sheldon letter on the issue of gas and lesbians in the military.
Press Release from the Hamilton Square Baptist Church, San Francisco, concerning protests held outside the church.
Lou Sheldon's account of events at the Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco.
Traditional Values Report, June / July 1993 "Paradise Lost in Hawaii to Gay Marriage?"
From the "California Voter's Guide" Published by the Traditional Values Coalition: "Governor's Action Infringes on Religious Liberties"
Washington's "Equal Rights Not Special Rights Committee" joins forces with Lou Sheldon's TVC.
Arizona anti-gay initiative backed by the TVC.
"Christian Right Tries to Capitalize on Anti-Gay Views," excerpts from a San Francisco Chronicle article, 12 January 1994 regarding Sheldon's pushing his video, Gay Rights, Special Rights" to the black community.
"The Sheldon hearings"
Background Readings and Information on the Congressional Hearings
HRC Press Release:"Schools Hearings' Final Day Dominated by Extremism"
HRC Press Release:"Candace Gingrich/Human Rights Campaign Testimony, 'Parents, Schools, and Values' Hearings"
Another PFLAG Action Alert, concerning the on again/off again hearings
Letter from the Interfaith Working Group to Peter Hoekstra, chairman of the House subcommittee designated to hold hearings requested by Lou Sheldon.
Call to "Zap the "Lou Sheldon" Hearings
Action Alert on Congressional Hearingsrequested by Lou Sheldon.
PFLAG Action alert concerning the postponement of anti-gay hearings requested by Lou Sheldon.
Announcement that hearings had been "postponed indefinitely".
HRC Press Release: House Panel Postpones Hearing on Schools
Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists press release on the Sheldon hearings
HRC Press Release: House Panel Reschedules Hearing Providing Platform to Anti-gay Zealot
HRC Press Release: House Subcommittee Postpones Hearing Sought by Anti-Gay Extremist
HRC Action Alert: House Subcommittee to Hold Hearings on "The Homosexual Agenda in Schools"
HRC Press Release: Gingrich: House Will Hold Anti-Gay Hearings
HRC Press Release: Transcript of Gingrich's statements concerning hearings requested by TVC head Lou Sheldon
"Lou Sheldon and Gingrich", excerpts from the Bay Area Reporter, 12-29-94.
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Last Modified 22 December, 1996