TRADITIONAL VALUES COALITION 100 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 350, Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 520-0300 139 "C" Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 547-8570 September 24, 1993 Dear Friend, Every once in a while an event or occurrence happens that stands out in my mind as an indication of future things to come. It is like writing on the wall. This past Sunday I was speaking at a church that was literally under siege by homosexual activists. The police, out of fear for their jobs, refused to protect our religious liberties. In Genesis, Chapter 19, the Bible tells how the residents of Sodom surrounded the house of Lot and tried to break down his door to get to the two men inside to know them CARNALLY. Can you imagine the riot scene at Lot's home? The chanting, the yelling, the anger and hatred in the air, the pounding on the door. Did you ever wonder why the law enforcement authorities of Sodom allowed this to happen? The spirit of homosexuality had overtaken the residents of Sodom and driven them into a frenzy, intimidating anyone who opposed their unnatural desires. On Sunday, September 19, 1993 I was the guest speaker in San Francisco at Hamilton Square Baptist Church, the pastor is David Innes. I felt like I had been transported inside of Lot's home in the Old Testament city of Sodom. Hundreds of angry and mean-spirited homosexuals converged upon Hamilton Square Baptist Church. Some laid down in the streets in front of the church to block traffic while others trespassed on the church property to bang on the front door and several side doors. They blocked church goers from coming inside. Donna McIlhenny (wife of Rev. Chuck McIhenny [sic] who pastors the First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco) was mobbed by the rioters as she walked into the church. When a homosexual grabbed a hold of her, she had to be rescued and physically pulled from the rioters into the church. Sounds like what happened at Lot's home. At the beginning of the service during the worship, we could hear the chanting outside. The pounding on the large gothic doors became so intense that I thought they were going to be torn from their hinges. The police told Pastor Innes and myself that they would not arrest the individuals who were breaking the law. These homosexual activists weren't just simply out in front on the sidewalk exercising their 1st Amendment rights. No, they were trespassing on church property, destroying property, inciting a riot and assaulting people who were entering the church. Dr. Innes reports to me that congregants were pelted by rocks and eggs; the rioters removed the Christian flag from the flagpole, and attached the gay flag under the American flag; landscaping and cement benches were destroyed and the rioters chanted, "We want your children, give us your children". I must honestly tell you I feared for my life and the safety of the church members who were in jeopardy from my presence. The sergeant in charge told us that the powers that be in San Francisco would not allow him to enforce the law against homosexual activists. In San Francisco, it would be very politically incorrect to arrest these lawbreakers. He said he couldn't and wouldn't protect our religious liberties. Finally, the riot police arrived, but they did not remove the homosexuals from the property, they merely protected us as we left the church. San Francisco is not middle America, and 99% percent [sic] of the time that I speak at a church there is not a problem, but this event is writing on the wall as to what happens when the wicked seize a city. And what can happen to our nation when the wicked are in charge. One aim of the homosexual movement is to persecute people who disagree with their lifestyle. Persecution and terrorist tactics are acceptable and appropriate forms of political expression in the homosexual community. In fact, any person or organization no matter how good, will be the subject of persecution if they oppose the homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuals have made it dangerous to stand for righteousness. These people would harass Mother Theresa if she dared to repeat what the Bible says about homosexuality. Can you imagine the state of our nation if militant homosexuals are successful in transforming our culture into one that endorses and accepts the homosexual lifestyle? THE POLITICAL FORCES IN CONTROL OF SAN FRANCISCO ARE NOW IN CONTROL IN OUR NATION'S CAPITOL President Bill Clinton has appointed to the highest positions in his administration people who are implementing a cultural revolution in American society--a reign of social terror. Their goal includes: --> dismantling the traditional family; --> criminalizing religious and political activity and speech against abortion --> overhauling our public schools through R-rated sex education; --> sex education as young as kindergarten; --> condoms and homosexual propaganda in public schools for young children; --> expanding the federal government into the abortion business and many other things that are a direct affront to our notions of family and decency. The players are strategically at the highest levels of the Clinton Administration where they make policies that relate to the entire social and cultural status of our nation. They harbor great intolerance for those that disagree with their political agenda. BILL CLINTON'S GANG OF FIVE ROBERTA ACHTENBERG: Ms. Actenberg [sic] is a former San Francisco Supervisor who now holds a top position with Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She is the highest ranking avowed homosexual in the Clinton Administration and admits that she will use her position to advance the homosexual agenda. Actenberg [sic] is most well known for her attempts to defund the Boy Scouts of America. She is the pride of the homosexual movement and embodies the political heights to which a lesbian radical can rise. DONNA SHALALA: Ms. Shalala is the head of Health and Human Services, a government agency that receives 40% of the federal budget. As the former President of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ms. Shalala earned the title "High Priestess of Political Correctness" for her Orwellian student speech code. In conjunction with Surgeon General Joycelyn elders, Ms. Shalala plans to overhaul the nations sex education from abstinence to "safe sex" by providing condoms, abortion services and explicit sex-ed training in schools. JOYCELYN ELDERS: Dr. Elders was recently confirmed as U.S. Surgeon General. Along with Ms. Shalala, Dr. Elders is probably one of the most dangerous members of Clinton's Administration because her stated number one priority is comprehensive sex education beginning in kindergarten. This will reinvent the sex-on-demand era of the 1960's Dr. Elders has stated, "...We taught them what to do in the front seat (of a car). now it's time to teach them what to do in the back seat." JANET RENO: As U.S. Attorney General, Ms. Reno is using her position to make peaceful, pro-lifers who do sidewalk counseling into federal felons. Ms. Reno is pushing legislation that will criminalize all pro- life activity (including praying) outside abortion clinics. Ms. Reno is also proposing to lower the penalty for convicted drug dealers, thereby making peaceful pro life activity more severe than illegal drug dealing. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON: Hillary reviews most Presidential actions and is pushing health care "reform" that includes abortion on demand to be paid for with your tax dollars. Hillary is also known for legal writings where she calls for the legal presumption of "incompetence" granted to children to be removed, thus giving them the same legal status and responsibilities as adults. This "incompetence" status is what keeps teenagers from being sent to prison and is the basis of our statutory rape laws. The question we mush ask is how do we work together to stop Bill Clinton and his Gang of Five from implementing their cultural revolution. Traditional Values Coalition has a plan. First, we must pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of all Americans. Second, we must begin educating Christians everywhere on the up-coming social terror that is being mounted against our values and beliefs. Third, we must work with our friends in the Congress to get legislation introduced and passed into law that will stop these terrible programs. Fourth, we must speak loudly to the national and local media explaining the cultural revolution underway by the Bill Clinton's Gang of Five. Fifth, work with churches and concerned activists in the districts of key Members of Congress to generate phone calls and letters to the members of Congress. I am deeply concerned for our nation's children being put into place by Bill Clinton and his Gang of Five will wreck havoc on the moral spiritual and physical fiber of our youth. It has taken decades to overcome the sexual revolution and start getting back to family values. Now, we see the reinventing of the sexual revolution. It is going to take a toll upon our nation. I'm sure you know it is going to take prayer, strength, guts and enormous financial resources to stop Bill Clinton and his Gang of Five. All of us at Traditional Values Coalition are involved in this battle because we believe that through perseverance and hard work we can return America to her Judeo-Christian roots. We can restore decency and morality to this wonderful nation. That is why we are committed for the long haul. You may not know that Traditional Values Coalition is one of a few organizations that actually lobbies members of Congress. We are out on the front lines every day. Others talk, but we act. Our financial resources have been very low the past 10 weeks. We greatly need you to send the largest gift that is within your means. Than you and I now you will do your best as we are doing our best. Sincerely, Louis P. Sheldon P.S. It is your prayers and support that will help us battle Clinton's Gang of Five. Thank you for all your support and I appreciate your prayers for our safety.