Focus on the Family

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Focus on the Family, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and led by Dr. James Dobson is a leader in the "pro-family", "traditional values" fight. Focus on the Family disguises much of its anti-lesbigay work behind a facade of pro-family rhetoric, but those who subscribe to it's "Family Issues Alert" fax service, are treated to a double helping. Focus on the Family was very active in advocating the passage of Colorado's Amendment Two, which denies equality to lesbian, gay and bisexual Coloradans, while providing for special rights for heterosexual Coloradans, and in advancing similar ballot initiatives in Maine. Focus has also extensively used the AIDS plague to advance their abstinence-based views regarding sex education. Focus on the Family has maintained a long-term, mutually-beneficial relationship with the Family Research Council, and has also shown a great deal of support for the Promise Keepers organization.
Gil Alexander-Moegerle's web page
- Gil Alexander-Moegerle was one of the cofounders of Focus on the Family, was responsible for the day-to-day operation of Focus on the Family during its early years, and served as Senior Vice President of the organization.
Gil Alexander-Moegerle's apology for the sins of Focus on the Family.
A review, by the Institute of First Amendment Studies, of James Dobson's War on America by Gil Alexander-Moegerle.
Focus Pocus A former aide throws the book at James Dobson, by Ward Harkavy.
James Dobson's War On America, an interview by Gil Alexander-Moegerle with Bill Fields, of PeaceMakers International.
Focus on This, an interview with Gil Alexander-Moegerle by PeaceMakers International.
Dobson in Danger as Non-Believer Invitation for Dobson to return to Christian Faith, from PeaceMakers International, November 1989.
Dr. James Dobson : Fracas In The Family: How A Nice Christian Media Star And His Nice Christian Ex-Co-Host and His Nice New Christian Wife All Got Themselves Into One Fine Mess, from PeaceMakers International, November/December 1989.
Who You Gonna Call? PeaceMakers
James Dobson: Focusing on Himself by Brian Elroy McKinley
Why Focus On The Family is of the Devil A Christian Perspective, by Brian Elroy McKinley
Freedom Writer, March/April 1998, "Dobson declares war on GOP" by Ben Winton
Freedom Writer, September/October 1997, "Focus on spanking"
Freedom Writer, May/June 1997, "Dobson backers encourage political involvement"
Freedom Writer, August 1996, "The world of James Dobson"By Albert J. Menendez
Freedom Writer, August 1996, "Gary Bauer: The radical right's man in Washington"
Freedom Writer, June 1996, "Dobson's political consultant"
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "We hate you, but..."
Freedom Writer, September 1995, "Dobson, Phillips form third-party pact"
Freedom Writer, July/August 1995, "Plot revealed to usurp Republicans in 1996"
- Institute for First Amendment Studies reports on Dobson's possible plans to ally with Howard Phillips' U.S. Taxpayer's Party.
Freedom Writer, April 1995, "Focus on the GOP"
- While claiming to be apolitical, James Dobson's Focus on the Family is trying to dictate policy to the Republican Party.
Freedom Writer, March 1995, "Third party for Religious Right?"
Freedom Writer, December 1994, Profile: Focus on the Family
Freedom Writer, September 1994, "Focus on Mel White"
- IFAS reports on the week-long fasting and prayer vigil by Mel White in front of FoF's headquarters.
Freedom Writer, June 1994, "Focus on Truth"
- Focus on the Family is spreading false information concerning school prayer
Freedom Writer, February 1994, "Focus on the Family rakes in $90 million"
- IFAS reports on the more worldly aspects of Dr. Dobson's ministry.
Citizen's Project Essay: Hocus Focus
Mel White's "Fast for Understanding", Day 3
Mel White's "Fast for Understanding", Day 4
Announcement by Ground Zero of Press Conference held 15 July, 1994 by Rev. Mel White, to denounce statements made by James Dobson concerning White's "Fast for Understanding" in Colorado Springs.
Grassroots Solidarity Events Encouraged to Support Rev. Dr. Mel White's Seven Day "Fast for Understanding".
Text of an open letter from Mel White to Dr. James Dobson
Focus on the Family Web Site
Citizen magazine from Focus on the Family
Faily News in Focus from Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family Canada Web Site
Citizen magazine from Focus on the Family Canada
Today's Family News from Focus on the Family Canada
Focus on the Chinese Family Web Site
Care for the Family (U.K. Affiliate) Web Site
James Dobson's CNP address
- A transcript of James Dobson's speech at the Spring 1998 Council for National policy meeting.
"Focus on the Family Supports 'National Coming Out of Homosexuality Day'"
"Focus on the Family Applauds Congressional Leadership"
Transcription of Howard Phillips' (chairman of the US Taxpayers Party) speech given May 6, 1995 at the 1995 National Issues Conference
- Howard Phillips' U.S. Taxpayers Party has been occasionally forwarded by James Dobson as a possible alternative to the Republicans, should the Republican party not nominate a pro-life, anti-homosexual Presidential candidate in 1996.
Dr. James Dobson's letter to his supporters in Idaho, concerning Idaho's Anti-gay Proposition One.
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The Radical Religious Right pages | Greg R. Broderick - greg@qrd.org
Last Modified 27 October, 1998