InterweaveUnitarian Universalists for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns45 State St #380Montpelier, VT 05602 |
Interweave Continental Convocation
Keynote Address by Mandy Carter
"Justice or Just Us? - Making the Case for an Inclusive LGBT Movement"
Confirmed Workshops
"Justice or Just Us?" – Mandy Carter, Keynote Speaker
I think that our lesbigaytrans movement is at an amazing "moment" as we see the continuing cultural, societal and legal momentum toward full equality. Like positive rulings on employment, sodomy laws, domestic partnership benefits, adoptions, marriage equality, and gender identity to mention a few.
So, do we see our LGBT movement as a civil rights movement that stands alone? Or, is our LGBT movement actually part of a broader civil rights movement for equality and justice inclusive of race, class, culture, gender and sexualidentity?
Or, to put it more simply are we about justice or just us?
This workshop will look at practical ways we can create and build transformative models of organizing that do make these connections.
Living the Welcoming Congregation – The Rev. Keith Kron, Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Concerns, UUA
So, we're a Welcoming Congregation, now what? We still have work to do. How best to do it and what should we do.
We will look at what is typical and possible for Welcoming Congregation and what the LIving the Welcoming Congregation curriculum has to offer.
Queer Youth Organizing 101 – Jason Lydon Young queers are among the most powerful and resourceful organizers throughout the country. This workshop is for queer youth and their allies to gain more tools on organizing within queer youth communities to best serve the needs of queer youth.
Jason Lydon is the Congregational Director at the Community Church of Boston. He currently works with queer prisoners who are survivors of sexual violence. Jason is also working on the prison/jail moratorium campaign in Massachusetts.
No More Prisons! No More Closets! – Jason Lydon Queer people throughout the country are currently suffering in chains behind the bars of the prison industrial complex. This will be a workshop to look at the current realities of the prison system and how it directly affects queer people and must become a queer issue once again.
Jason Lydon is the Congregational Director at the Community Church of Boston. He currently works with queer prisoners who are survivors of sexual violence. Jason is also working on the prison/jail moratorium campaign in Massachusetts.
Interweaving the Generations A co-facilitated conversation, using a fish bowl to invite youth, young adults and others to share their concerns. Workshop attendees will participate in the conversation.
UUA Consultation on Youth -- Hannah Stampe Ministry with youth is about listening, empowerment, and spiritual guidance. It is instrumental to the vitality and growth of Unitarian Universalist communities. The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations has been engaged for almost two years in a process to revitalize and strengthen youth ministry. How might this affect BGLTIQ youth? How have they participated? What have we learned? What are our next steps? How can we have a voice? Hannah serves on the Task Force for Ministry to and with Youth.
So You Want to Start/SUPPORT a Gay-Straight Alliance at Your High School? An Activist's Toolkit -- P-FLAG Georgia volunteers and staff in movement organizations provide an action plan to youth who want to start a GSA in their high school, and tools for sustaining it. Also covered: How allies provide a supportive framework for the GSA in the larger community. Presenters will speak from their direct experiences with the White County PRIDE club that was the subject of a federal lawsuit which resulted in a judgement for the club and an agreement that the school district would provide staff training on LGBTQ issues. Also discussed: How the White County community responded nonviolently to a Fred Phelps protest against the club.
A Nonviolent Response To Spiritual Violence: An Action Kit For When The Reparative Therapy Movement Comes To Your Town – P-FLAG The Reparative Therapy ("ex-gay") movement has a brand-new bag, has hit the road and is coming to your town. With conferences like "Love Won Out", they preach that you can't be Christian and also honor your natural sexual orientation if it's not heterosexual. But they wrap this message in love, and that's why they still pack the meeting rooms. Georgia PFLAGers and local volunteers will present a step-by-step action plan for building a coalition to counter the damaging messages the RT movement seeks to put into your community when they come to town. Friday Night Entertainment By Atlanta’s Gay and Lesbian Chorus Our Song |
The mission statement of the Interweave Continental,
Interweave Continental is a
membership organization actively working to end oppression based on sexual
orientation and gender identity, recognizing that we will not be free until
all oppression is a thing of the past. We are an affiliate organization of
the Unitarian Universalist Association, and our work is guided by Unitarian
Universalist principles. We value and affirm the lives and experience of
Queer people of faith of all ages, races, ethnicities, income levels, and
abilities. By providing and supporting leadership, and working in
collaboration with other organizations of similar vision, we strive to
connect and nurture all Queer individuals, communities, groups, and their
allies. Interweave is recognized under section 501(c)(3) as a charitable nonprofit organization under the name Interweave Continental, Inc. |