Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)

The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans was formed at the 1985 UUA General Assembly in Atlanta to enrich and strengthen the religious pluralism of UUism by promoting the study and practice of contemporary Pagan and Earth- and nature-centered spirituality. The work of CUUPS includes: enabling networking among Pagan-identified UUs; developing educational and liturgical materials on Pagan spirituality for UU congregations; encouraging thea/ological inquiry into the contemporary Pagan resurgence; promoting inter-religious dialogue; providing support for Pagan-identified UU religious professionals; and working for the healing of the Earth. Members and friends of CUUPS recieve a quarterly newsletter, "Pagan NUUS", that keeps them informed of continental and local chapter activities and current liberal religious thought on contemporary Paganism, and an annual journal, "The UU Pagan".

Postal: P.O. Box 640, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.


(See Paganism: philosophy and practice.)

Alan Hamilton <>. Last uploaded: 95/10/31