Paganism: philosophy and practice

Computer Mailing Lists and Newsgroups

Pagan Digest
A digest mailing list about paganism that covers a LOT of different topics. Send mail to to be added or removed from the mailing list.

alt.pagan and alt.magick
Newsgroups for pagans and for magick workers. (Note: alt.magic is about card tricks and rabbits in hats.)

A digest mailing list for solitary practitioners of Paganism.

An open discussion for women and men interested in goddess spirituality, feminism, and the incorporation of the feminine/feminist idea in the study and worship of the divine. To subscribe, send mail to with the following command in the body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored):

subscribe wmsprt-l FirstName LastName

Other Information

Quest article on Paganism

Last uploaded on June 16, 1996.
(c) 1996 Alan Hamilton <>
You can also contact the Unitarian Universalist Association at
25 Beacon Street, Boston Massachsetts 02108, USA.   Phone:617-742-2100