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HIGHLIGHTS of the Queer Resources Directory

Last updated: 15 August 1995
At long last, the New Items Page makes a return
engagement. As always, report bad links or other problems to
wwwstaff@qrd.org-- thanks!
Since the April highlights page we have
made a LOT of improvements and additions to our web pages at the QRD.
You can see a running tally of changes by selecting
What's New? at the top of the page.
Technical Changes at the QRD
- Diana has been installed at the QRD and now allows us to have a web page generated for each directory in
the QRD, instead of showing the raw directory-file structure like a gopher. It
also allows to point to off-site information more easily, and accept input from
readers. It was written by Sean Burke, QRD
- The capability of looking at the entire file-directory tree structure on one webpage. We have had an ascii version for quite awhile.
- The capability to search the QRD has been switched
from WAIS to SWISH and WWWWAIS. Please contact us immediately at wwwstaff@qrd.org. Of course, this means that WAIS
searching via Gopher is no longer supported. We recommend you use LYNX to browse the QRD and access the QRD Search Page.
Web Pages Hosted at the QRD
The QRD houses web pages listing queer resources for a number of U.S.
states. In particular, they are
We also have a page devoted to all known collections of statewide queer resources
Other people who are interested in maintaining web pages for their state, please contact us at wwwstaff@qrd.org.
There are also a number of web pages at the QRD devoted to queer resources
in specific countries. Namely, New Zealand and Poland
QRD. If you are interested in maintaining a QRD Web Page devoted to a specific
country, please email ron@qrd.org
We also have hosted web pages with information from a number of gay and lesbian religious organizations. Most notably,
We have over one hundred (100) directories with information on
queer organizations.
We also have organizations which have web pages hosted at the QRD. They are
- AFPGH Asians & Friends - Pittsburgh
- LEGAL-International Law Enforcement Gays and Lesbians - International
- NOGLSTP National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals.
GLPCI:Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
GLSTN:Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers' Network
If you want your organization to have a web page at the QRD, contact us at ron@qrd.org.
Topic Highlights
Media Section
In addition to intrepid reporter, REX WOCKNER, Openly gay columnist GABRIEL ROTELLO has a web page at the QRD. He has graciously allowed the QRD to archive his weekly New York Newsday column. Sadly, this collection will have to act
as an archive only, since New York Newsday ceased publishing on Sunday July 16, 1995.
web page in the media section where you can access his columns.
Another one of the interesting additions to the media section is the web page for QueerZine Explosion
Besides information about print media, we also host the web page for This Way Out, the international lesbian and gay radio magazine, as well as a list of known queer radio shows in the USA.
Sexual Orientation and The Law
We are very pleased with our collection of materials devoted to sexual
orientation and the law. Some important cases we have information on include:
We have archives of the monthly journal Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, edited by Professor Art Leonard.
We also have archives of the National Journal Of Sexual Orientation Law edited by Mary Sylla. The latest issue is Volum 1, Issue 2
There are currently nine (9) states which have state laws prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. After years of trying, we
now have a complete set of the text of these laws. The states (year enacted) are:
Updates to Lists Of Interest Archived at the QRD
Overall View of the QRD
There are now over 9600 files in the Queer Resources Directory...
Submissions: Email files to submit@qrd.org or
FTP files to qrd.org in the pub/QRD/incoming directory
Feedback: Email staff@qrd.org
Questions: Email info@qrd.org or read the FAQ.
[this file is /pub/QRD/0HIGHLIGHTS at ftp.qrd.org]
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