HIGHLIGHTS of the Queer Resources Directory

Last updated: 15 April 1995
At long last, the New Items Page makes a return
engagement. As always, report bad links or other problems to
staff@qrd.org-- thanks!
Since the February highlights page we have
made a LOT of improvements and additions to our web pages at the QRD.
You can see a running tally of changes by clicking on
the "What's New?" button.
There are now over 9000 files in the Queer Resources Directory...
Submissions: Email files to submit@qrd.org or
FTP files to qrd.org in the pub/QRD/incoming directory
Feedback: Email staff@qrd.org
Questions: Email info@qrd.org or read the FAQ.
[this file is /pub/QRD/0HIGHLIGHTS at ftp.qrd.org]
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