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American Family Association
abc disney promote homos, 03/04/97: (3.6K)
action page, 04/96: (9Kb, 4/9/1996)
afa address: (355 bytes, 12/16/1993)
afa background: (6.7K, 1/7/1993)
afa history: (59K, 1/30/1995)
afa kentucky antigay propaganda: (4.2K, 3/23/1995)
american family association newsletter fall 94: (27K, 11/19/1994)
attacks clairol, 05/12/95: (1Kb)
calls for pressure on ellen advertisers, 03/26/97: (4.2K)
criticizing chevron for offering dp benefits, 05/13/97: (987 bytes)
defeated in florida, 09/19/96: (2.7K)
doma alert, 09/04/96: (4Kb)
glaad blasts censorship, 05/10/96: (2.8K)
greenville antigay resolution txt, 05/96: (2.5K, 5/28/1996)
homosexual media, 04/06/97: (7.7K)
latest targets, 10/95: (4.7K, 11/19/1995)
on ncohd, 10/09/96: (2.3K)
suggested letter ot wildmon, 04/06/97: (447 bytes)

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