Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 07:42:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Rex Wockner Subject: NC1531: EXTREMELY URGENT: READ THIS AND ACT NOW!!! OUR "FRIENDS" HAVE APPARENTLY CAVED IN ON DOMA! CALL YOUR SENATOR RIGHT NOW!!! FORWARDED BY GAY ACTIVIST DOUG CASE ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 23:02:58 -0800 From: Doug Case Subject: EXTREMELY URGENT: READ THIS AND ACT NOW!!! OUR "FRIENDS" HAVE APPARENTLY CAVED IN ON DOMA! CALL YOUR SENATOR RIGHT NOW!!! THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE FROM BEHIND ENEMY LINES (THE AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION) WAS RECEIVED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (SEPTEMBER 4): Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! SUBJECT: THE FEDERAL DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT (DOMA) We have just received word that Senator Kennedy has broken the unanimous consent agreement and withdrawn his cronies' amendments to DOMA. This means that it is very likely that the GOP will ask for a cloture vote to stop any more stalling. If this gets 60 votes, then DOMA gets voted on in clean fashion. We need to urge the Senate to act immediately (today or tomorrow at the latest). Word from the Hill is that the liberals are folding because of relentless grass-roots pressure. There will likely be a vote on Friday (September 6) for cloture on a motion to precede, then vote on Tuesday on a second cloture to get to DOMA itself, and then a vote for the bill itself. ACTION ITEM: Keep calling senators. We can't afford to let this drift. We want a clean, swift vote on cloture for DOMA. Callers need to get specific about these votes, just request that the senator vote for DOMA. Here is a list of question-mark senators on DOMA: (The area code for Washington, D.C. is 202) AL Howell Heflin (D) 224-4124 fax 224-3149 AK Ted Stevens (R) 224-3004 fax 224-2354 AR David Pryor (D) 224-2353 fax 228-3973 Dale Bumpers (D) 224-4843 fax 224-6435 DE Joe Biden (D) 224-5042 fax 224-0139 FL Bob Graham (D) 224-3041 fax 224-2237 GA Sam Nunn (D) 224-3521 fax 224-0072 IA Tom Harkin (D) 224-3254 fax 224-9369 KS Shelia Frahm (R) 224-6521 fax 228-1245 Nancy Kassebaum (R) 224-4774 fax 224-3514 LA John Breaux (D) 224-4623 fax 224-4628 Bennet Johnston (D) 224-5824 fax 224-2952 ME Bill Cohen (R) 224-2523 fax 224-2693 Olympia Snowe (R) 224-5344 fax 224-1946 MO Christopher Bond (R) 224-5721 fax 224-8149 MT Max Baucus (D) 224-2651 fax 224-1974 NE James Exon (D) 224-4224 fax 224-5213 NV Richard Byron (D) 224-6244 fax 224-1867 Harry Reid (D) 224-3542 fax 224-7327 NY Alfonse D'Amato (R) 224-6542 fax 224-5871 ND Kent Conrad (D) 224-2043 fax 224-7776 Byron Dorgan (D) 224-2551 fax 224-1193 OR Mark Hatfield (R) 224-3753 fax 224-0276 PA Arlen Specter (R) 224-4254 fax 224-1893 SC Ernest Hollings (D) 224-6121 fax 224-4293 WA Slade Gorton (R) 224-3441 fax 224-9393 WV John Rockefeller (D) 224-6472 fax 224-7665 WY Alan Simpson (R) 224-3424 fax 224-1315 Craig Thomas (R) 224-6441 fax 224-1724 *You may also call 1-800-962-3524 and ask to speak with your senator. ===================================================================== Please tell a friend about the AFA ACTION ALERT Register on the world wide web at: