[orgs] Supportive religious organizations
[judeochristian] Judeo-Christian religions and homosexuality
[other] Other religious traditions
[anti] text from and about anti-gay religious organizations
a child is listening: (3.2K, 11/19/1993)
AGLA calls on IRS to monitor political involvement: (4.2K, 11/7/1994)
all gods children video review, 11/04/96: (4.6K)
american gay atheists info: (2Kb, 7/6/1996)
another buddhist perspective on marriage: (6.6K, 5/8/1997)
black lgbt spirituality call for works, 12/31/96: (1.8K)
buddhism islam judaism: (3.4K, 10/9/1994)
churches unite in aids prayer, 03/05/95: (1.7K)
discussion of buddhism, 02/26/00: (2.1K)
first national religious response to attacks on glbt community, 07/22/98: (3.9K)
gay rights supporters hit back at pope: (4.1K, 3/10/1994)
IGLYO interfaith dialogue, 09/97: (4.3K, 6/29/1997)
inaugural invitation to pres clinton: (14K, 3/10/1997)
interfaith alliance mainstream voter guides, 01/24/96: (3.7K)
interfaith group challenges religious right domination of gop, 07/28/00: (2.6K)
letter to tyler congregation: (13K, 12/3/1994)
nahcotta sanctuary, 12/28/95: (9Kb)
poem in the name of a god: (2.2K, 8/7/1995)
q fish catholic protestant christian support list, 11/09/98: (741 bytes)
religion email list: (4.4K, 3/8/1996)
religiosity effect on gays, 12/04/96: (2.1K)
religious leaders respond to political manipulation of religion, 07/28/98: (4.4K)
right to be spiritual, 06/07/96: (7Kb)
signers of pro gay ad, 03/18/94: (2.6K)
some pro glbt official statements, 01/20/98: (14K)
the one true faith: (12K, 7/21/1996)
zen buddhist perspective on same sex marriage: (7.7K, 5/8/1997)