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ACLJ assault on your family mailing, 03/23/98: (4.3K)
another gaybasher defeated in GOP primary, 09/09/98: (2.6K)
beating up on all republicans and log cabin, 10/31/98: (2.4K)
broward final candidates forum, 09/29/98: (2.6K)
broward LCC to meet with GOP club development director, 07/09/98: (1.7K)
calls for death penalty in matthew shepard murder, 10/13/98: (2.5K)
CA republican party resolution, 02/28/98: (6.6K)
comments on presidential impeachment, 12/18/98: (1.7K)
coral ridge vigil update, 08/20/98: (2.7K)
cosponsors jeb bush rally, 09/27/98: (1.5K)
counter vigil planned at coral ridge church, 07/26/98: (2.2K)
denounces fundamentalist conversion therapy campaign, 07/16/98: (2.6K)
FL memorial desecrated in hate crime, 03/29/98: (1.6K)
florida gold coast chapter members note passing of lawton chiles, 12/13/98: (1Kb)
florida harvey milk project to bring in more gay republicans, 06/06/98: (11K)
fong reaffirms support of key gay rights issues, 10/27/98: (2.8K)
gay republicans meet with jeb bush, 06/25/98: (2.7K)
gay republican win makes history in state race, 09/09/98: (2.8K)
golden rule shows little compassion for brutalized gays, 10/14/98: (1.5K)
joins vigil for truth, 08/03/98: (1.8K)
kennedy reclaiming america but for who, 07/31/98: (2.7K)
over 2800 gays and friends confront antigay ministries, 08/23/98: (2.7K)
response to carpenter column praising HRC endorsement, 12/02/98: (8.8K)
support growing for vigil against antigay ministry, 08/19/98: (2Kb)
tafel address at maimi american legion, 01/19/98: (1.8K)
tafel to speak at miami brunch, 01/09/98: (1.5K)
texas fundamentalists exclude log cabin republicans, 06/06/98: (11K)
topeka baptist cult to picket florida church, 09/02/98: (1.4K)

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