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action on doma this week, 07/08/96: (10K)
act now on marriage bill, 05/08/96: (4.8K)
alert hate crimes stats act, 03/08/96: (4.4K)
alert hiv measure, 03/29/96: (5.1K)
birch challenges buchanan statements, 02/26/96: (4.9K)
birch testifies for trans inclusion, 03/22/96: (3.2K)
blasts antigay rally and candidates, 02/12/96: (4Kb)
blasts hiv discrim measure, 01/25/96: (3.2K)
calling their bluff, 06/06/96: (3.9K)
cayman isles anti sodomy law, 08/23/96: (10K)
c gingrich heads voter mobilization project, 01/18/96: (4.4K)
c gingrich on posturing, 06/03/96: (2.8K)
c gingrich says stop cong gaybashing, 05/14/96: (7.9K)
clinton ad mistake miscalculation, 10/15/96: (2.3K)
clinton says hiv ban unconstitutional, 02/09/96: (3.7K)
clinton signs white act, 05/20/96: (4.5K)
clinton would sign doma, 05/22/96: (3.3K)
come out for holidays, 11/25/96: (2.6K)
come out for holidays, 12/96: (2.8K, 8/17/1997)
critique of ma endorsement, 07/22/96: (4.6K)
dc parental rights under attack, 01/03/96: (5.5K)
demands clinton oppose doma, 05/17/96: (3.4K)
dnc platform testimony, 07/17/96: (5.8K)
documents need for enda, 07/15/96: (6.9K)
dole ad panders to rrr, 10/09/96: (2.8K)
dole signs on antimarriage bill, 05/09/96: (3.5K)
doma enda vote alert, 09/04/96: (4Kb)
doma passes house, 07/12/96: (3.3K)
dornan defeat is american glb victory, 11/13/96: (3.1K)
election night online chat, 11/02/96: (2.6K)
enda doma strategy, 07/23/96: (4.6K)
enda freestanding vote scheduled, 09/06/96: (5Kb)
enda vote alert, 09/01/96: (3.6K)
ending job discrimination a winning issue in campaign, 11/07/96: (4.7K)
endorses clinton, 03/04/96: (7Kb)
gays score big in california assembly, 11/07/96: (4.3K)
gingrich ignorance shocking, 02/14/96: (4Kb)
gingrich whips up fear of hiv, 10/16/96: (3.1K)
governors medicaid plan hurts pwas, 02/07/96: (2.8K)
guide to coming out published, 10/09/96: (2.5K)
hiv discharge measure rejected, 07/30/96: (4.3K)
hiv measure repeal agreement, 04/24/96: (4.3K)
job discrimination is legal, 07/17/96: (4.4K)
key senate panel hate crimes act, 03/13/96: (4Kb)
launches antihelms campaign, 08/96: (21K, 8/17/1997)
launches campaign 96, 06/13/96: (3.6K)
marriage bill talking points, 05/08/96: (4.3K)
modest increase in aids efforts proposed, 03/19/96: (4.2K)
more on outvote 96, 06/14/96: (2.5K)
mourns mccleary, 04/15/96: (3.1K)
news, 10/24/96: (4Kb)
nh voters object to gaybaiting, 02/16/96: (4.9K)
no statewide antigay inits, 07/02/96: (3.3K)
on amend2 decision, 05/20/96: (4.3K)
outvote 96 a success, 08/21/96: (5.3K)
parents lobby for enda, 03/19/96: (3.8K)
parents to lobby for enda, 03/13/96: (3.6K)
poll finds americans increasingly support equal rights, 11/12/96: (6.1K)
poll no consensus on doma, 06/05/96: (5Kb)
preparing response to a2 decision, 04/17/96: (4.3K)
presses senators to pass enda defeat doma, 09/09/96: (5.1K)
pro enda tv ad unveiled, 09/03/96: (3.6K)
pushes repeal of hiv discrim measure, 02/02/96: (4.1K)
quote about clinton, 12/25/96: (1Kb)
response to doma criticisms, 09/20/96: (3.8K)
response to nytm errors, 02/06/96: (3.1K)
right wing issues in defense bill, 05/02/96: (2.6K)
says antimarriage bill unconstitutional, 05/15/96: (3.7K)
seeks young activists, 02/29/96: (3.4K)
senate doma vote anyday, 07/22/96: (7.5K)
senate hears doma testimony, 07/11/96: (4.3K)
senate passage of doma will not stand, 09/10/96: (4Kb)
senate passes defense bill, 07/10/96: (3.8K)
senate repeals hiv discrimination measure, 03/19/96: (4.9K)
senate republicans torpedo debate agreement on DOMA, 09/05/96: (3.2K)
senate republicans torpedo doma debate agreement, 09/05/96: (3.2K)
slams buchanan antigay diatribes, 02/21/96: (4.9K)
slams house leadership on marriage, 05/13/96: (3.3K)
stand for children, 05/30/96: (3.6K)
subcomm marks up doma, 05/30/96: (3Kb)
supreme ct refusal to hear thomasson does not preclude challenges, 10/21/96: (2.8K)
survey methodology, 09/21/96: (27K)
unveils outvote, 03/04/96: (4.5K)
urges calls on DOMA and ENDA, 09/06/96: (2.2K)
watch for letters on hiv ban, 04/12/96: (780 bytes)
welcomes white act agreement, 05/01/96: (2.6K)
welcomes white act passage, 05/03/96: (3.1K)
wyden win major victory, 01/31/96: (3.4K)
youth college deadline near, 04/18/96: (2.8K)

.up. to top of page.