Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 08:17:01 -0800 (PST) From: Rex Wockner Rex notes: There may be an error below. Usually when joining an IRC channel, the slash [/] comes before the word 'join'. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 10:40:18 -0500 To: Subject: HRC & Others To Host National Election Night Online Community Chat ________________________________________________________ NEWS from the Human Rights Campaign 1101 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 Contact: Phil Attey, HRC 202.628.4160 Robert Bray, NGLTF 415-552-6448 Kathleen DeBold, GLVF 202.842.8679 Karen Wickre, PlanetOut 415.547.2800 ____________________________________________________ LIVE ELECTION NIGHT ONLINE CHAT HOSTED BY HRC, NGLTF, GLVF AND PLANETOUT: LOG ON FOR RETURNS ON KEY RACES, INSIDER COMMENTARY WASHINGTON, DC - There will be a special place for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered "netizens" to go on election night to get election returns, celebrate victories, mourn losses and discuss the state of our issues in today's political environment. Three of the largest national g/l/b/t political groups will host an informative "live from election night chat" allowing the entire community to share in the news. The live election night chat will take place Tuesday, November 5th, from 9 PM to 12 Midnight (EST). Election returns will be coming into the event from across the country, including HRC's effort in North Carolina to defeat Senator Jesse Helms and from campaign volunteers in other key races. Anyone can take part in the event by using Internet Relay Chat (IRC) software and connecting to the HRC's server at and typing join/#HRCcaucus. Though this is an Internet chat event, many online service (America Online, Compuserve, Microsoft Network, etc) users can use the IRC software through their service's Internet connection. Full instructions on how to download free IRC software and how to connect to the event are listed on the HRC Online Action Center, . The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is the country's largest national lesbian and gay political group. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) is the county's oldest national lesbian and gay political group. The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is a national Political Action Committee that supports openly gay and lesbian candidates. PlanetOut is a GLBT online community forum on America Online, the Microsoft Network and the World Wide Web. - 30 -