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alert hiv provision, 04/23/96: (2.2K)
bishop charged with heresy, 02/27/96: (2.9K)
community complex to be built, 02/16/96: (2.6K)
deplores hiv discrimination measure, 01/31/96: (2.1K)
dinges letter, 01/27/96: (4.1K)
frc fortifies gay inquisition, 04/12/96: (3.4K)
helvey hearing alert, 07/09/96: (2.8K)
judge hears new policy case, 01/19/96: (3.3K)
letter on thomasson decision, 04/10/96: (2.9K)
letter to ma school, 06/12/96: (2Kb)
letter to nyt, 01/19/96: (2.4K)
navy settles witch hunt case, 12/13/96: (5Kb)
new commander hamilton post, 01/19/96: (2.6K)
on amend2 decision, 05/20/96: (1.6K)
on codified ban, 04/01/96: (2.9K)
on effron nomination, 06/26/96: (1.7K)
on perry watkins death, 03/20/96: (1.7K)
on sexual harrassment, 11/30/96: (2Kb)
open letter to perry, 08/09/96: (2.7K)
paul hardman obit, 01/07/96: (1.2K)
pleased on questioning, 08/28/96: (7.3K)
press release new commander, 01/20/96: (3.1K)
stop hawaii witchhunts, 07/20/96: (4.4K)

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