Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 06:34:17 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: AmFedVets Drive to Lift Dornan Ridger (fwd) IMMEDIATE RELEASEE "We Are One" =20 THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF VETERANS "An Alliance for Equality of Rights" Contact: Karl Clark, National President AmFedVets - P.O. Box 1281, Ft.Lauderdale, FL. 33302 E-Mail: We must continue our efforts to end discrimination against those "living=20 with AIDS" and under the clowd of "Don't Ask-Don't Tell. " We ask=20 that you likewise support our effort and the efforts of others in=20 these crucial issues for the suffering is unacceptable. We likewise support SLDN and ask that circulate this alert widely. --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: HIV Provision - emergency request. Date: 96-04-23 17:56:55 EDT From: SLDN1 EMERGENCY REQUEST The Congress must decide within the next 24 hours whether or not to keep th= e repeal of the Dornan provision mandating the discharge of all HIV+ servicemembers in the final version of the Omnibus Spending Bill. The majo= r sticking point is the leadership of the House of Representatives. They mus= t be convinced that a) repealing the Dornan legislation is the right thing to do and b) that it is not worth sending the entire spending bill back to the conference committee, effectively killing it. The lobbyists working to repeal the Dornan provision have asked that as man= y folks as possible call: Newt Gingrich (202) 225-4501 and=20 Rep. Livingston (202) 225-3015. to shore up the back-bone of the House Leadership. Livingston is the House point-person for the spending bill. Where appropriate, let them know that people you know and love are affected by this unfair law. It also would be useful to call/write individual representatives and senators to express support for repealing the Dornan provision via the spending bill. Please also forward/post this message to as many places as possible. Sorry for the time frame on this one, but we don=92t have any control over the congressional timetable!! Thanks,=20 Kirk Childress Servicemembers Legal Defense Network