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1995 naiad catalog: (91K, 12/29/1994)
ala call for nominations, 11/95: (3.7K, 11/20/1995)
alternative sexualities sci fi booklist, 05/06/95: (40K)
annotations, 11/21/95: (1.9K)
belhue press catalog 1995: (8.7K, 3/12/1995)
call for writers activism anthology, 08/14/95: (3.9K)
call for writers black homosexuality, 11/13/95: (1Kb)
daniel curzon interview, 12/02/95: (8.5K)
down there yes press catalog 94 95: (13K, 3/17/1995)
getting simon, 11/17/95: (4.1K)
glb language biblio www, 05/01/95: (648 bytes)
help needed for teaching book, 01/26/95: (1.1K)
invention of heterosexuality, 10/10/95: (6.1K)
katz and lewis win awards, 11/18/95: (5.1K)
lgb black booklist, 04/24/95: (65K)
neil miller on new glb history, 07/09/95: (1.3K)
new titles from tough dove books, 02/12/95: (2.8K)
outing yourself review, 07/03/95: (2.2K)
restricted entry censorship on trial, 12/14/95: (1.4K)
review hiv negative, 07/28/95: (2.4K)
review sexual orientation in workplace, 04/28/95: (3.6K)
submissions sought children of stonewall, 04/07: (2.5K, 4/10/1995)
suggested reading, 10/10/95: (3.4K)
telling the beads sonnets, 03/23/95: (1.8K)
the journey out, 10/27/95: (506 bytes)

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