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activism at conf, 07/96: (3.4K, 7/6/1996)
at vancouver aids conf, 07/96: (1.3K, 5/28/1996)
british support for peta, 06/20/96: (3.9K)
buchanan supporters assault michael, 02/18/96: (2.9K)
cd training online, 11/27/96: (2.8K)
clinton zapped on aids, 02/17/96: (4.9K)
florida action needed, 04/20/96: (3.1K)
free fax copy of time mag portions, 12/21/96: (877 bytes)
heal seattle joins border protest, 07/05/96: (4.8K)
immigration protest, 07/05/96: (1.1K)
lugar quizzed on aids, 02/19/96: (4.2K)
meets with gore, 08/29/96: (3.7K)
more nh actions, 02/14/96: (3.2K)
nows aidsphobia, 04/17/96: (5Kb)
peta responds, 06/20/96: (5.4K)
pr hands around white house, 09/24/96: (2.5K)
sold out, 02/04/96: (5.1K)
zaps clinton in la, 09/12/96: (7.9K)
zaps forbes, 01/28/96: (4.5K)

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