Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 19:00:19 -0700 From: (Terry Kennedy) Subject: Forbiden FORBIDDEN ACT UP/SEATTLE will protest at U.S./Canada Border Four years ago, Presidential candidate Bill Clinton, made a series of promises during the 8th International AIDS Conference. The conference had been moved from the U.S. to Holland, because a government policy would not allow HIV+ people from other countries to enter ours. Clinton promised to lift that ban. Once in office, he try but the Democratic controlled congress pass a law stating that it is FORBIDDEN for HIV+ people of other countries to enter the U.S. Now we have the 11th International AIDS Conference. It will be held this year in Vancouver, BC, July 7 - 12. It will never again be held in the United States. Vancouver is as close as HIV+ conference attendees from other countries can get to our border. We need to make a statement about this. ACT UP/Seattle will hold a demonstration to protest this broken promise, at Noon, July 5th at the US/Canada border. -- To remind people that HIV itself knows no borders. If you are interested in participating call @ 206.720.4686.