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New adres: PK 162, 80050 Beyo�lu-Istanbul, Turkey


welcome to Lambda Istanbul


Lambda Istanbul is a liberation group for
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people in Turkey.


Lambda, Istanbul is the largest queer liberation group in Turkey . It was formed by a small number of gays and lesbians as a result of a police ban on Christopher Street Day celebrations in 1993. Since then, Lambda, Istanbul has grown in membership and aims to raise its voice on behalf of the gay communities in Istanbul.

Homosexuality is not a criminal offence in Turkey, but some articles of the highly flexible police regulations can be used very easily to ban meetings and demonstrations on so-called public morality grounds. In 1995 and 1996 Lambda, Istanbul planned activity weeks which would have included gay and lesbian themed films, panels discussions, and exhibitions. On both occasions, they were banned by the police and the Governor of Istanbul, who claimed they were against public morals. The organizing committee was advised by police not to make any further attempts as the Turkish society was not yet ready for the visibility of homosexuality!

Despite this pressure and opposition, we are still carrying out our projects:

 bytes)  We work close together with other gay groups in Ankara, called KAOS GL (gay) and Sappho'nun Kizlari (lesbian).  Since Autumn 1998, we together organize national meetings of Turkish gays, lesbians and transgenders. Springs in Ankara, Autumns in Istanbul. It is also supported by T�rk Gay, a group of Turkish gays in Germany, K�ln.

       bytes)  We support the bi-monthly gay and lesbian magazine KAOS GL, which is out since September 1994. It is available in alternative bookstores in many towns across Turkey.

       bytes)    Together with the AIDS Prevention Society in Turkey, we have prepared the first Safe Sex Brochure addressing gay men.

 bytes)    Our weekly meetings is the only one in Istanbul, where gays, lesbians and transgenders can speak with one another about many themes, that are important for them. It is a place, where people learn to accept themselves and one another, where they may become involved in several social movements, too.

 bytes)     Our support telephone is an important help for people who want  to contact our group or need somebody to talk to.

 bytes)     On first Wednesday of every month, we organize the "Lambda Istanbul Gay & Lesbian Party" in one of the most famous clubs of Turkey, called "Twenty". It takes place between 9.00 p.m. and 1.00 a.m. and gives us the opportunity to come together in a very nice atmosphere with music & dance! As we get the fee for entrance, the party is also a support for our acitivities and the rent that we have to pay for our weekly meetings. For details look below!

Despite the serious work we do, we are all volunteers, who come together determined to keep on devoloping ourselves, working against our society�s prejudices, homophobia and for a more democratic Turkey with respect to each human beeing.


Also visit:

News Archive

Turkey Gay Guide

Lambda Istanbul's new site (in Turkish)

Lambda Istanbul's former Magazine (in Turkish)

Homosexuality in Turkey

Parties now on first Friday of the month!    


Have fun and support Lambda Istanbul! Each first Friday of the month in:
Club 14 and Club20 (TWENTY)
Abd�lhakhamid caddesi No:19 Taksim
9.OO p.m.- 1.00 a.m.




Kaos GL

Sappho'nun Kizlari

GayChat (Turkish IRC Channel)

bOutcider's Outsiders

International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)

International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA)

Die Gruppe T�rk-Gay

Eshcinsel.Net (in Turkish)

You can contact Lambda Istanbul at:
Snail mail: PK 162, 80050 Beyo�lu-Istanbul, Turkey
Fax: +90 (212) 224 37 92

Tel: +90 (212) 233 49 66 (Sundays, 16.00 -18.00 hh p.m., mainly in Turkish, other times answering machine)
Email: lambda@lambdaistanbul.org
Turkish site: http://www.lambdaistanbul.org (only in Turkish)

Please send us your comments, contributions, recent news items,
and your requests for contact info.

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Last revised: 06.03.2000

This page is maintained by Lambda, Istanbul