We work close together
with other gay groups in Ankara, called KAOS GL (gay) and
Sappho'nun Kizlari (lesbian). Since Autumn 1998,
we together organize national meetings of Turkish gays,
lesbians and transgenders. Springs in Ankara, Autumns in
Istanbul. It is also supported by T�rk Gay, a group of Turkish gays in
Germany, K�ln.
We support the
bi-monthly gay and lesbian magazine KAOS GL, which is out since
September 1994. It is available in alternative bookstores in many
towns across Turkey.
Together with
the AIDS Prevention Society in Turkey, we have prepared the first Safe
Sex Brochure addressing gay men.
Our weekly
meetings is the only one in Istanbul, where gays, lesbians and
transgenders can speak with one another about many themes, that are
important for them. It is a place, where people learn to accept
themselves and one another, where they may become involved in
several social movements, too.
support telephone is an important help for people who want to contact our group
or need somebody to talk to.
On first
Wednesday of every month, we organize the "Lambda Istanbul Gay
& Lesbian Party" in one of the most famous clubs of Turkey, called
"Twenty". It takes place between 9.00 p.m. and 1.00 a.m.
and gives us the opportunity to come together in a very
nice atmosphere with music & dance! As we get the fee for
entrance, the party is also a support for our acitivities and the rent
that we have to pay for our weekly meetings. For details look below!
Despite the serious work we do, we are all volunteers, who come together determined to keep on devoloping ourselves, working against our society�s prejudices, homophobia and for a more democratic Turkey with respect to each human beeing.