On the November 7th, it was announced that gay members of Turkish parliament would be declared on a TV channel called "Kanal 6". Although gay deputies were not individually outed, it was claimed that parliament has gay members.

After this declaration "Kanal 6"s broadcast was suspended for 24 hours. The reason was that claiming the parliament has gay members was declared as an an insult to the Parliament of Turkish Republic.

The issue is that the word "homosexual" is taken as an insult. As Lambda Istanbul, we protest RTUK (High Committe of Radio and Television, the institution authorised to check TVs and radios) for the decision. And we invite all the gays around the world to protest this humiliating action. Fax number of RTUK is 90-312-2320474 and its president is Ali Baransel...

Thank you for all your support.

P.K 103


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