Magazyn Kochajacych INACZEJ

ISSN 1230-9532

Foreign Subscription:

INACZEJ is published monthly at an annual subscription rate of $40, by surface, or $50, by air mail.
Personals - $15 for Europe and $25 for other countries - in case the magazine acts as a go-between in sending answers - or $10 - if the address' published. Payment should be forwarded to SOFTPRESS, Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy, VI Oddzial Poznan, Poland, Acc # 356224-18454-136-72.
Also banker's checks are accepted. They don't accept bearer checks, EC or traveler's checks. Send the order, like all other correspondence to:

P.O. Box 84
PL-60-971 Poznan 59
Phone # +48-61-537655

Magazyn MEN!

ISSN 1231-3300

Foreign Subscription:

There is no printed information about foreign subscription. Polish subsciption costs 27zl for 6 months or 13.50zl for 3 months. Payment should be forwarded to:
PBK SA, XIII Filia W-wa, Acc #: 370103-3160-136


Box 115
PL-00-967 Warszawa 86

Gay News FILO

Actual information about subscription - soon ;)


Box 733
PL-80-958 Gdansk 50

This list isn't finished! I'll update it soon.
[Polish Gay Pages]

[QRD Main Page]

Thomas Wolfgang Nabzdyk - last update: July 24th