Vol 1 Issue 7, May 1, 1998 Excerpts
Box 44, Silver City, NM 88061
Send today for a complimentary copyResearch Sheds Light on Sexual Orientation: gay womens inner ears like mens (or What makes us queer and who cares)
By T. Sparks
Our resident Social Worker, Lorena J. sent in the article with the above title, which appeared in the El Paso Times, March 3, 1998. She enclosed a note stating I didnt know whether to laugh or cry when I read this. Id like your expert opinion.
The study was done in Austin on 200 adults and I have read the original projects publication. My expert opinion is that the masculinizing prenatal hormones affect much more than the inner ear, and such people are usually born with genitals that cannot be identified as male or female. Also the number 200 is probably too small and it all must be reproduced by others to have any validity and finally who gives a flying
$%^&*?? ( If this study proves true, it adds to the evidence that homosexuality is or can be an inborn trait). My expert opinion not withstanding, the whole idea of searching for causes of homosexuality stimulated me to go to our local library to look for resources. A scientist, Simon Levey, in 1991 found an area of the hypothalamus in the brain to be smaller in homosexual men than in heterosexual men. He has written a book entitled Queer Science, the use and abuse of research into homosexuality. (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1996.)
It is a fascinating read. Incidentally, he clearly stated in his research that it was unknown if the hypothalamus difference was a cause or an effect of homosexuality. He tries, in this book, to answer questions. #1 What causes a person to be gay, lesbian or bisexual and #2 Who cares? My very brief review of the books text follows.
The very simple answer to the question "Who Cares? is: apparently, nearly everyone, as attitudes towards gays and lesbians are the direct product of what one believes about the cause. In actuality, whether inborn or learned, a persons sexual orientation should not be used as a reason to discriminate against them. Ed. note: It is painfully clear, however, that sexuality issues are used to deprive gays and lesbians of housing, their children, protection from crimes. We are hated by others, and many of us hate ourselves.
To answer #1 What is the cause? Dr. Levey summarizes over 100 years of medical research. The first point which is made is the fact that when it is discovered what causes people to be homosexual, it will also be discovered what causes them to be heterosexual. Defining who is and who isnt is very difficult as well. Kinsey found in his famous studies in the 1950s that 40% of all American men, at some time in their lives, had genital contact with another man to orgasm. Are they homosexual, because they have homosexual experiences? In the 1970s, many women became political lesbians, adopting a lesbian identity as an expression of solidarity with the causes of women. Are they homosexual? If a group can not even be clearly defined, it is almost impossible to say why a person is a member of that group.
The study I am most interested in examines identical twins who were separated at birth. This should answer the question of nature (inborn) versus nurture (learned). There were fewer than 10 pairs of twins found who had been separated at birth and of whom at least one was homosexual. The male sets were both found to be homosexual in 50% of the cases and the female sets were both found to be homosexual in 0% of the cases. These numbers are so small as to be useless in proving anything. [Ed. note: This points to the likelihood of some truth in the old joke Research has shown that 50% of homosexuals are born that way, and the other 50% just get sucked into it.]
The majority of the evidence points to a prenatal event or disposition as a large contributor to a persons sexuality. Prenatal injection of testosterone in animals, causes females to behave similarly to males and denial of testosterone prenatally causes males to act more as females. This might explain a receptive gay man, for example, but does not explain his partner.
Small children identified as gender nonconformists were followed in one study. Effeminate boys were subjected to behavior modification, so as to appear more masculine. This was accomplished, but had no effect at all on to their sexual choices as adults. In other words, they maintained their inner femininity.
Here are some things that science actually has shown with reasonable certainty:
- Those whose affectional preference is only for their own gender comprise between 4 and 10% of the population.
- In women who took DES during pregnancy, 40% of their daughters are lesbians.
- Homosexuality sometimes clusters in families (male homosexuality tends to be transmitted through the mothers family).
- Xq28 gene area is found in nearly all gay brothers, and never in their straight brothers.
- In bonobos, humans closest primate relatives (their DNA is 99% human) homosexuality is practiced.
- Populations of sheep in Idaho have 10% of their males exclusively practicing anal copulation with other males.
- Populations of seagulls in California have large numbers of lesbians when the male population is low.
PFLAG member Tineke Haase surveyed most of the well known figures in the field of homosexuality, Levey reports. The question she asked was this: In your opinion, based on todays state of the art science, is sexual orientation based on genetic, hormonal, social or psychiatric factors?
Nearly all of the learned sexologists replied all of the above.
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Hey GNetwork, After I read your Trash talk edition and saw the cartoons, theres no way I could keep a straight face!! Ann Onymus
CETLALIC live-in programs Coming Out: The Gay Experience in Mexico and In/Visibility: Lesbian Lives in Mexico. For more information please contact: Sharon Kerr, International Relations Director Alternative Language School Apdo. Postal 1-201, C.P. 62000 Cuernavaca, Morelos MEXICO tel: (52) (73) 17-08-50 fax (52) (73) 13-26-37
Humor Corner Submitted By Linda From Dallas
In college I experimented with heterosexuality. I slept with a straight guy. I was really drunk. - Bob Smith, comic
Every man should own one dress - and so should lesbians. - James Adam Spahr, gender activist
Ive read that only one percent of this country is gay. If thats true...Ive slept with every one! - Jason Stuart, comic
So many woman cant say the word lesbian even when their mouth is full of one. -Kate Clinton, Comic (This is an alteration of the old description of a true southern gentleman: He wouldnt say sh-t if he had a mouth full of it.)
Its not that I dont like penises, I just dont like them on men. - Lea Delaria
In the personals when you see Straight-acting male seeks same they might as well say Gay man in denial seeks other gay men in denial for fun and laughs. - Michael Rasky, comic
Catholic girls make the best dykes because their whole lives theyre told Having sex with men is a sin Oh... okay. - Judy Carter
Gays dont have legal rights, the only thing a queer couple can adopt is a highway. - Maggie Cassela
Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an anti gay bill in Congress. If it passes, they wont be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a pr-ck to touch an a--hole! - Judy Carter
The radical right is so homophobic that they think global warming is caused by the AIDS quilt. - Dennis Miller
Forget your stereotypes, your fears. Straight people are not what you have been led to believe. Theyre a wonderfully diverse bunch, though the flamboyant ones hog all the media attention. - Michael Goff, former editor of OUT
When the f--k did heterosexuals get the patent on home and love and hearth and family? - Harvey Fierstein, playwright and actor.