7-9 AM REGISTRATION Maine Center for the Arts
1:30PM - RALLY How to ParticipateINDIVIDUALSThere are four ways you can participate:
ORGANIZATIONS, GROUPS OR BUSINESSES As a participating organization, group or business, you agree to:
In response to the repeal of the Civil Rights law on February 10th, Maine citizens and activists from many organizations have been meeting. Our common belief in the dignity and value of ALL citizens of the state of Maine has led us to a desire to build a coalition that moves forward an agenda of civil rights and human rights � creating a safer place for all people to live and work. Our common beliefs include: we believe in equality for ALL Maine citizens and in enactment of the repealed Civil Rights Law... we believe in the fundamental right of freedom from all forms of violence, harassment and abuse safe home environments, safe schools, safe work places and safe communities... we believe that all people should have equal opportunity to housing, credit, public accommodations, employment and worker's rights and benefits for themselves and their family...
we believe that justice is a universal concept embraced by all spiritual persons. To this end, we will work to set an agenda that for us will build a safe home:
To get information or participation forms
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . . . and please be safe and have fun. |