Ex-gay "Ministries"

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"Church Group Offers Homosexual New Life In Closet" from The Onion
- A well-done spoof of the ex-gay movement.
Can sexual orientation change with therapy? by Randall Edwards
- APA ponders its stance on a therapy designed to convert gay men and lesbians into heterosexuals.
APA Council of Representatives Passes Resolution on So-Called Reparative Therapy
- Resolution Raises Ethical Concerns About Attempts to Change Sexual Orientation, Reaffirms Psychology's Opposition to Homophobia and Client's Rights to Unbiased Treatment.
Mission Impossible: Why Reparative Therapy & Ex-Gay Ministries Fail By Kim I. Mills
- A Human Rights Campaign publication.
Reparative Therapy and Ex-Gay Ministries
- Techniques to Change Gay Peoples' Sexual Orientation Aren't Supported by Facts or Clinical Research, According to Study by Human Rights Campaign.
Documenting the Damage: Recovering from 'Reparative Therapy' by John McCoy
Healing Homosexuality through Reparative Therapy
"The Hoax of Ex-Gay Ministries"
Ex.Ex, Examining and Exploring the Reality of the Ex-Gay Movement
"Curing" Homosexuals , A handful of conservative Christians tries to turn gays into straights through counseling, by Phil Campbell
Gay To Straight - Can It Be Done? by Karl Xydexx Jorgensen
Love In Action: The Final Indoctrination: Interview with Tom Ottosen, former Love In Action "ex-gay, by Dennis Anderson
"The Real Changes Taking Place", by Ralph Blair, founder of Evangelicals Concerned
- A very good overview of various ex-gay movements.
Notes on the Regeneration Conference, Catonsville, MD, May 22, 1993, by Louie Crew, founder of Integrity
- Personal notes by the founder of Integrity, the Lesbigay Episcopalian group, on a conference held by one of the more prominent ex-gay ministries -- Regeneration.
A Catechism on Courage by Paul Halsall
- Courage is an anti-gay group which tries to persuade lesbian and gay Catholics to conform with official Church anti-gay teaching. Specifically it urges its members to give up relationships which involve sex. The organization, founded by Fr. John Harvey, works on the assumption that homosexual behavior is bad [as in some recent Church documents], and that the only acceptable mode of life for gays and lesbians is sexual abstinence.
"Do Homosexuals Need to be Healed of their Homosexuality?" by Joseph Adam Pearson, Ph.D. (a gay Christian biologist)
An annotated bibliography, by Sharyl Bender Peterson, addressing current work in psychology, theology, and ethics on whether "exgay" movements are consistent or inconsistent with Christian teaching and practice.
"About Ex-gay Ministries", By David Williams
- Excerpts of a document that was produced to counter religious right propaganda containing information about ex-gay ministries.
Homosexuals Anonymous
NARTH National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
The Cause and Treatment of Homosexuality by Joseph Nicolosi, Executive Director, NARTH
Don't Forsake Homosexuals Who Want Help by Charles Socarides, Benjamin Kaufman, Joseph Nicolosi, Jeffrey Satinover, and Richard Fitzgibbons
Exodus International
Another Way Out
"Stonewall Revisited"
Mission & Ministry: "Loving the Homosexual"
Hope for Homosexuals by Dennis Pollock
Christian Ministries about Homosexuality and AIDS
Homosexuals and the Church, Will We Offer Hope? by Bob Davies
- Presents the experiences of one "successful" ex-gay man, John Paulk.
John Ankerberg and Barry Pintar -- "Understanding Homosexuality and Experiencing Genuine Change",part one
John Ankerberg and Barry Pintar -- "Understanding Homosexuality and Experiencing Genuine Change",part two
John Ankerberg and Barry Pintar -- "Understanding Homosexuality and Experiencing Genuine Change",part three
John Ankerberg and Barry Pintar -- "Understanding Homosexuality and Experiencing Genuine Change",part four
John Ankerberg and Barry Pintar -- "Understanding Homosexuality and Experiencing Genuine Change",part five
- A series of postings by Michael Kline ( co-listowner of CONCHR-L ) to the CHRISTIA list, transcribed from a series of radio shows.
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The Radical Religious Right pages | Greg R. Broderick - greg@qrd.org
Last Modified 26 October, 1998