
Home Address:__________________________________________________________________


Zip/Postal Code:_______________Phone:___________________E-mail:________________


Please check here if you do not wish the above information to be published in
the Convo 2000 Directory._______

Cost: The cost of the conference is $100 per person.

Payment by ______ check ______ credit card: _____ Visa      _____ MasterCard

Card number: ________________________________ exp. Date_________

There is a $5 credit card use fee.

Meal Restrictions: _____ None _______ Vegetarian  _____ Veg-fish/egg okay 

_____ Other:_____________________________________________________________

This cost includes your meals and program.  You must pay with your
registration. There is a limited scholarship fund for those who find the
registration fee prohibitive. Please contact us for additional information
about this fund.

Please make any check payable to:  The First Universalist Church Denver

And mail to:                       The First Universalist Church
                                   4101 East Hampden Avenue
                                   Denver, Colorado  80222-7262
Additional information:            Eddy Carroll
                                   3078 W 39th Ave.
                                   Denver, Colorado  80211


                                   The First Universalist Church
                                   (303)-759-2770 or (303)-759-2862

The Conference Hotel is The Marriott SE which is located one mile east of
the church on E. Hampden Ave.  The rate is $60 per night double occupancy.
This is an additional cost not included in the above registration fee.
You will need to pay the hotel directly.  Please call Josephine Hehnke
toll free at 1-888-469-4845 to make your hotel reservation.  She can also
assist your with your travel arrangements.

Cancellation Policy : A 50% refund will be given if notification is
received by February 8, 2000. No refunds can be given after this date.

Accessibility: We are committed to the full and safe participation of
all participants.  Please use the spaces below to tell us of any special
needs you have.