UU Women's Federation (UUWF)

The UUWF is the only continental membership organization of all UU women. Formed by the 1963 consolidation of the Association of Universalist Women and the Alliance of Unitarian Women, it is an associate member of the UUA. To realize its mission of transforming thought, the UUWF provides the following.
annual pre-GA women's conference, GA workshops, leadership training, speaker's bureau, resources, and periodic women's retreats.
Violence Against Women:
The UUWF has provided leadership by co- funding UUs Acting to Stop Violence Against Women and by convening the UU Task Force on Clergy Sexual Misconduct.
Cirriculum Development:
In 1994, the UUWF will publish "Rise Up and Call Her Name," a 13 session program exploring the multi-cultural roots of women's spirituality.
Social Action:
Affiliated with a number of women's advocacy organizations, the UUWF maintains an active presence in Washington, D.C.
Feminist Theology:
The UUWF pioneered an awareness of feminist theology and annually presents the Feminist Theology Awards, which support UU work in this area.
Denominational Leadership:
The UUWF co-initiated the coalition for the passage of the 1992 GA resolution affirming UU Commitment to racial and cultural diversity; it is represented on the UUA Racial and Cultural Task Force.

Contacts: Kay Aler-Maida, Brooklyn, NY, (212) 683-4988(office) or Mairi Maeks at the UUWF Office.

Last uploaded on January 9, 1996.
(c) 1996 Alan Hamilton <alan@spdcc.com>
You can also contact the Unitarian Universalist Association at
25 Beacon Street, Boston Massachsetts 02108, USA.
http://www.uua.org/   Phone:617-742-2100