UUMN, UUA Office of Worship Resources, 25 Beacon Street, Boston Massachusetts 02104, USA. Phone: 800-927-2933 (your call will be returned as soon as possible.)
The Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network is dedicated to furthering the cause of music and musicians in churches and fellowships of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our purposes are:
UUMN members are music directors, conductors, singers, instrumentalists, composers, ministers, music committee members, and members of congregations. We are amateurs and professionals, ranging from highly experienced to novice. Our membership also includes congregations who support the UUMN's work and purposes. The UU Musicians Network has over 300 members, representing music leaders, musicians, and churches across North America.
--The UUMN Newsletter, published at least three times a year.
--Copies of UUMN publications, including Guidelines for Church Musicians, and Making Music in Our Churches.
--Eligibility to attend the annual UUMN summer conference.
--Music resources, such as choral music, music for children and youth, and hymns and songs for services and other gatherings.
--Regional services, including liaisons and a talent bank listing members' skills. Regional liaisons stimulate regional activities and listen to members' concerns; see the enclosed list for the names and phone numbers of the current liaisons.
--Member congregations receive the same benefits as individuals.
The UUMN was formed at a meeting during the 1982 General Assembly. A continental mailing invited broader membership. In 1983, the UUMN Newsletter began publication and the first summer conference was held in Boston. An elected board and executive committee governs the UUMN. Board members are drawn from across the continent and serve staggered terms. Every two years the executive committee is elected from a different region of the continent.
The UUMN took an active role in the development of the new UUA hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition. UUMN members served on the Hymn-book Commission. The Network provided support in raising development funds, collecting and evaluating material, and helping to introduce the new book to congregations and their leaders.
Last uploaded on January 9, 1996.
(c) 1996 Alan Hamilton <alan@spdcc.com>
You can also contact the Unitarian Universalist Association at
25 Beacon Street, Boston Massachsetts 02108, USA.
http://www.uua.org/ Phone:617-742-2100