Continental UU Young Adults Network (C*UUYAN)

Electronic mail discussion list for the UU Young Adults Network for young adults (defined as age 18-35). To subscribe, send a message to, with the following line in the message body (the Subject: line is ignored):

subscribe uuyan-l

C*UUYAN Gopher
To contact it, connect to the Grinnell gopher at (You can find it in Iowa.) and look under "Student Groups". If you are a WorldWideWeb user, the URL is gopher:// .

C*UUYAN World Wide Web

Ohio University Unitarian Universalists
OU Bayous (derived from OU bi-U.) Contact: Harley Stenzel. Postal: 255 W. Union Street, Athens Ohio 45701, USA. Phone: (614)592-4467. Email: .

Alan Hamilton <>. Last uploaded: 95/10/31