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(excerpted from "Poll Finds Even Split on Homosexuality's Cause,"
New York Times 3/5/93, p A14)
(This NY Times/CBS News Poll based on telephone interviews
with 1,154 adults nationwide conducted Feb. 9-11, 1993)
Do you think being homosexual is something people choose to be, or
do you think it is something they cannot change?
Don't know: 13% Chosen: 44% Can't be change: 43%
Those who say homosexuality
Total Is chosen Can't be change
---- --------- ---------------
Gays should have equal 78% 69% 90%
rights in job opportunities
It's necessary to have laws 42% 30% 58%
to protect gay equality
Object to having a gay pilot 11% 18% 4%
(don't understand this one!)
Object to having a doctor 49% 64% 34%
who is homosexual
Object to having child's 55% 71% 39%
teacher be gay
Legalize gay relations among 46% 32% 62%
consenting adults
Homosexuality should be con- 36% 18% 57%
sidered an acceptable lifestyle
Gay relations among adults 55% 78% 30%
are morally wrong
Favors permitting gays in 43% 32% 54%
the military
Permits child to play at 34% 21% 50%
home of friend with gay parent
Allows child to watch prime- 36% 27% 46%
time sitcom with gay character
Have close friend or family 22% 16% 29%
member who is homosexual
Fight back with technology!
Queer Resources Directory /
staff@qrd.org /
9 April 1995