Suggestions for Action from People of Faith Against Bigotry
People of Faith Against Bigotry
- Write a letter to your friends asking them not to sign petitions for
discriminatory ballot measures, and vote against these measures when they
appear on the ballot.
- Offer to make a presentation in your place of worship (or ask your
leader to preach a sermon) or offer to lead an adult education lesson which
contrasts the reconciling love of God with the hateful implications of this
ballot measure. Or ask for a speaker from local support groups for gays
and lesbians belonging to faith communities.
- Place items in church/temple bulletins which offer information regarding
anti-gay referenda from a faith perspective.
- Be present near a table where signatures are being gathered (usually
near a major shopping center) and leaflet/dialogue with the people who are
thinking about signing. Let them know that there are people of faith who
strongly oppose these discriminatory initiatives.
- Join others for scheduled events, marches, and rallies as they are
- Start an ad campaign drive in your city or community to place signature
ads opposing discriminatory measures. The ads should list the names and
religious affiliations of clergy and lay people belonging to a wide variety
of faith based groups.
- Wear buttons and display bumper stickers which proclaim both your faith
in God, and your belief in equality for all people. People of Faith who
oppose discrimination must know that they are not alone.
- Ask your governing body to declare your place of worship a "bias free
zone," open to all people including gay men and lesbians.
- Organize & participate in prayer vigils.
- Use the "bridges" theme; e.g., silent vigils holding hands across
bridges, other symbolic acts demonstrating bridges across fear and
- Wear a pink triangle to show your solidarity, just as non-Jewish Danes
wore yellow stars to confound the Nazi invaders.
- Talk to friends, neighbors, and relatives. Talk about homophobic bias
and the right wing to anyone who will listen. Educated them about
discrimination, and remind them of the importance of freedom of speech and
separation of church and state from your perspective as a person of faith.
- Put together a speakers bureau among other people of faith and contact
civic and religious groups and arrange to address them on the issues.
Those who are heterosexual should go where our gay and lesbian friends may
not be able to go as easily.
- Let your creativity run rampant with other unique ideas from your heart
to fit your particular church, congregation, or group.
- Volunteer your time.
- Most of all, make sure you "come out" as a person of faith who opposes
anti-gay bias in your faith group, and other organizations you belong to,
especially if they have not yet made resolutions to oppose right wing
For more information or to request a complete Fight the Right Action Kit,
call NGLTF at 202-332-6483, TTY 202-332-6219.
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