The Eagle Forum
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Phyllis Schlafly first broke onto the conservative political landscape with the publication of her book A Choice, Not An Echo in 1964, which was an endorsement of Barry Goldwater's campaign for the Presidency. She emerged as a leader of the Religious Right's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment in the seventies. The Eagle Forum, which she founded in 1972, has continued her fight against gender equality and feminism, and has expanded their reach to also focus on homosexuality (one of the original bases for her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment), education, abortion and the United Nations.
Schafly's son, John was outed by the now defunct magazine Queer World in 1992.
"Angry White Women" by Jennifer Gonnerman
- An analysis of conservative women's organizations, including the Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America.
Conservative leader Schlafly says `outing' of son was `strike at me'
The Eagle Forum
Texas Eagle Forum
A collection of editorial columns by Phyllis Schlafly
Another collection of editorial columns by Phyllis Schlafly
Schlafly endorses Buchanan
Myths and Realities about Free Trade, Protectionism, NAFTA, and GATT
How to rouse voters from media-induced slumber
"Politically-Correct History Standards Fight Back" from The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage August, 1995, by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum president.
"China Women's Conference No Friend to Family" (pt. 1) from The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage November, 1995, by Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum.
"UN Women's Meeting: Family-Friendly?" (pt. 2) from The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage December, 1995, by Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum.
"OBE: A Crash Course in Dumbing Down" from The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage August, 1995, by Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum.
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Last Modified 5 January, 1997