Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 17:24:04 +1100 From: PRIDE Subject: PRIDE E|Newsletter PRIDE E|Newsletter ------------------ 25.7.97 Performance Positive VI: Drugs Funny Farm Upcoming events @ PRIDE PRIDE Survey Gay Brisbane Self defence course in Merrylands Tara Country Retreat UFMCC General Conference XVIII, Sydney, Australia Re:ACTIVATE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Activisms Country AIDS Network Townsville OutProud festival Gay and Lesbian partners survey Different for Girls Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Bulletin Gay or Eurotrash? 'Us & Them' Report Rainbow Collection: Quotes AIDS Council of Central Australia An Actor's perspective Dr. Peter Piot on The Health Report Satire Goes E-mail Sharing understandings of the HIV experience Brother Sister newspaper The Far Right in Australia Wik guide Gabriel Rotello interview New Website zine for Lesbian Jews/Jewish Lesbians Larry-bob's Queer Hotlist Women's Connection Online Indonesia Spot the Dyke ---> Performance Positive VI: Drugs August 1 + 2. Bound to be popular, book early! Performance Positive on the Web Greg Milan's Capital Q column on drug use Lycaeum - drug information server - graphics, software, discussion forums, books, links, and drug culture. ---> Funny Farm Australia's ONLY Lesbian & Gay comedy night! Next show @ Kinselas, Thursday July 30. Tix $10. Book on (02) 9331 1333. ---> Upcoming events @ PRIDE August 2: Team Sydney Open Forum, Amsterdam Gay Games '98, 2pm - 4pm. Info, August 10: Sunflower Healing Day, all day. More info, Maria Nott 9999 3192. ---> PRIDE Survey The form posted last time contained an irritating error for which we humbly apologise. This has now been corrected so you won't be wasting your time if you stop by at ---> Gay Brisbane Ausboy's Mini Gay and Lesbian Guide to Brisbane ---> Self defence course in Merrylands VIOLENCE CAN HAPPEN. JUST BE AWARE. LEARN TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS. The Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project (AVP) and ACON West have coordinated with Penny Gulliver to conduct a self defence course for lesbians, gay men and transgenders in Merrylands, in Sydney’s west. The course will be conducted over two concurrent Saturdays; 19 & 26 July. For details, to register, or for info about future self defence courses contact Ian at AVP on 9360 6687 or 1800 637 360 or ---> Tara Country Retreat Over 300 entries were received at the Tara booth at the PRIDE street fair. We are please to congratulate Anthony Adams of Surry Hills and Matthew Warner-Smith of Paddington who both won a Tara holiday package Christmas in July Dinner at Tara Country Retreat. .. Saturday 26th July .. enjoy traditional Christmas fare, open log fires. Champagne Brunch on Sunday .. $40 a head .. dinner or accommodation bookings .. contact Rod or Jason phone 044 641 472 ---> UFMCC General Conference XVIII, Sydney, Australia Virtual General Conference best thing to being there! G'day, mate! Welcome to the 1997 UFMCC virtual General Conference Center from Sydney, Australia! This is a first for UFMCC...we hope you'll visit often for the latest Conference news, reports, photos, Rev. Elder Troy Perry's Opening Address in "streaming audio" and more! And, please invite your friends to come by too! ---> Re:ACTIVATE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Activisms Call for presentations - Re:ACTIVATE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Activisms. A conference for activists, lobbyists, cultural workers, researchers, students and community members. Australian Centre for Lesbian and Gay Research, The University of Sydney, 14-15 November 1997. PROPOSALS DUE 15 AUGUST 1997 Re:ACTIVATE is an interdisciplinary conference on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trangender activisms. The conference will offer a forum to reflect on the history of activisms around sexual difference in Australia, to engage with ongoing political issues for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, to explore tensions and collaborations between activisms and issues, and to take stock of recent shifts in Australia's political environment. ---> Country AIDS Network The Country AIDS Network (Vic) Inc has - via the CHAIRS Group of Castlemaine - a Rural Resource Guide for HIV/AIDS & Hep-friendly services, personnel and resources. It started off as Victoria-only, but as "need knows no boundaries" we are supporting the expansion of the Guide to Australia-wide, as a sort of umbrella for lots of other localised or more specialised directories. We need more entries, as much as we need more people to know about the Guide so they can access its treasure for themselves! It's available via our website (at your own cost) on: (which also has more information on the Country AIDS Netwrok and on the Guide) OR on hard copy or on disk (IBM or Mac versions, regularly updated) for $10 pa, OR contact us for an entry form (if you wish to have your service/agency/offer of support listed) via: snail mail: Rural Resource Guide, CHAIRS Group, PO Box 672, Castlemaine, Victoria 3450 or call/fax us: (03) 5470 5745 during business hours. We also have a great Newsletter for mainly-Victorians, called 'Country Matters' - because it does!! We welcome calls, enquiries and e-mail from our brothers and sisters in Victoria and interState. - Jean Wyldbore, A/Convenor, Country AIDS Network (Vic) Inc. ---> Townsville OutProud festival Announcing the Townsville OutProud Festival website. Our festival will run from August 29th to September 13th. We will be having a dinner fund raiser on August 9th at the Centra Hotel in Townsville. Townsville may be far geographically from the main centers but we have a dynamic scene. For more information please check: - Thank you, Mike. ---> Gay and Lesbian partners survey I am working on a survey on how gay and lesbian partners are found and possibly lost again. The subject interests me personally and I got inspired to set up this research by the popularity of the book 'the Rules' which claims to point out the way for straight women to find a husband. I hope that you would like to take part in this research by answering (at least some of) the questions posted at that web page. - Rob ---> Different for Girls Starring Rupert Graves (Maurice, Room with a View), Steven Mackintosh (Buddha of Suburbia) with Miriam Margolyes and Saskia Reeves. Special Queer Screen Benefit Premiere of Different for Girls Monday 4 August at 6.30pm - Trilogy in foyer, 7.00pm - Film GU Stanmore Cinema, Parramatta Road, Stanmore. Tickets: $6 Queer Screen members / $10 in advance from Queer Screen/ $12 at door. Phone: 9332 4938 Fax: 9331 2988 Come along to see a great film and support Queer Screen activities for gay & lesbian films. ---> Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Bulletin We have just launched the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Bulletin (an electronic bulletin on indigenous health), we have included current topics, journal articles, conference abstracts, reports, brief communications and theses. This bulletin is available at - Bev Paterson, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Project, Edith Cowan University ---> 'Us & Them' Report A report into Access to and Equity in Home and Community Care (HACC) services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Eastern Sydney Area. ---> Gay or Eurotrash? So ok... ever since i moved to new york, there's been this big warpy freakout to my gaydar cuz of all the european tourists here. i swear.. some smiling guy comes walking thru soho in some tight Bundeswear ribbed t-shirt and like.. red jeans, and a caesar hairdo.. and your mind starts going *blip* *blip* and then all of a sudden your NEW BOYFRIEND starts talking german and hugging his girlfriend! what a mindfuck! it's so not fair. ---> Rainbow Collection: Quotes How many straight San Franciscans does it take to change a light bulb? - Both of them. I feel so normal now that Telstra is sponsoring my sexuality. - Karl. I think that a lifetime of listening to disco music is a high price to pay for one's sexual preference. - Quentin Crisp. ---> AIDS Council of Central Australia The AIDS Council of Central Australia (ACOCA) is a community based organisation formed in response to the incidence of HIV infection and AIDS. ACOCA is the primary non-government HIV/AIDS agency in Central Australia. ---> An Actor's perspective "David Jobling is one of the driving forces behind the PRIDE Centre's wildly sucessful 'Performance Positive' events. He provides a theatre worker's perspective on the importance of community theatre in the AIDS epidemic ... " (From 'Talkabout' magazine) ---> Dr. Peter Piot on The Health Report Norman Swan: Welcome to the program. A year or two ago, the United Nations decided to co-ordinate its various efforts against HIV and AIDS, and brought them under a single umbrella called UNAIDS, headed by an internationally respected AIDS and viral researcher, Dr Peter Piot, who is Belgian. He's also, by the way, the co-discoverer of the Ebola virus. Former Belgian colonies in Central Africa were among the first places to experience AIDS, and Dr Piot was there in cities like Kinshasa, studying the disease and trying to help with control measures. He's at the AIDS Impact Conference, and joins me on the line. Welcome to The Health Report, and Australia ... ---> Satire Goes E-mail After completing an initial period of networking, the Satire Workshop is to launch a new project -- an email version of contemporary political satire. Drawing material from its other activities and fresh contributions, the workshop will be publishing *Graffito* as a regular subscribed email service. Later a print and a web based e-zime is planned, but for the time being *Graffito* is designed to test the electronic world for satiric resonance. To obtain each instalment of *Graffito* simply email the Satire Workshop -- -- and write: in the body of your message. The Satire Workshop ---> Sharing understandings of the HIV experience This page is has been created by a group of HIV-positive gay men who are involved as co-researchers in a Participatory Action Research study. Our purposes in developing this home page are to: share the progress of our study; promote participatory forms of research; encourage wider participation and comment; and provide links to other relevant sites. ---> Brother Sister newspaper ---> The Far Right in Australia This page was started from an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, 5th June 1996, together with information from the Australia/Israel Review web site which deals extensively with anti-semitic groups (there, that just SHOWS I'm a Zionist stooge, aye!). And no, I'm not Jewish nor do I (to put it mildly) support many of the actions of the Israeli government. ---> Wik guide Malcolm Farnsworth has compiled a Guide to the Wik Debate that includes links to the following information: Legislation & legal judgements, Federal Government Documents, Organisations & Authorities, Political Party Policies, newspaper articles etc. See: ---> Gabriel Rotello interview Starting a new ecosystem in the age of AIDS ... ---> New Website zine for Lesbian Jews/Jewish Lesbians or - Check it Out! ---> Larry-bob's Queer Hotlist It seems like there's a plethora of kind of mainstreamy gay stuff on-line. Let's just say you won't find any links to the Log Cabin Republicans here. This list is oriented more towards queer zines and other out of the ordinary stuff. "If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned to live." - Lin Yutang ---> Women's Connection Online Women’s Connection Online, the first stop for women on the Internet®, is aimed at professional women, women business owners and other women interested in relevant, quality content. We welcome your suggestions for content as well as any content contributions you may wish to submit., ---> Indonesia Various kinds of sexualities are an integral part of Indonesia's cultural mosaic. Many married men and women also maintain same-sex relationships. Only in some sectors of the new middle and professional classes, as well as some religious movements, has homophobia taken root ... National Library of Australia: Indonesia Online Agung Rai Museum of Art.... "Bimasakti is a dynamically user-maintained Indonesian homepage or an Indonesian WWW database system, or Indonesian Yahoo if you'd like to say so. It is a representation of Indonesian community on the internet as a whole" ... Lentera is one of the largest and most diverse STD/AIDS prevention programs in Indonesia. Lentera is committed to educating and empowering young people to protect themselves from sexually transmitted disease and HIV infection. We have a comprehensive sexual health education program which works with young people, gay men, transvestites and female sex workers and focuses on sustainable changes in sexual health knowledge and behavior ... Welcome to my Family Photo Album. I wish to share with you a slice of Chinese Indonesia. I am using my family photographs to guide you through our journey in our adopted homeland of Nusantara ("the land in between") ... ---> Spot the Dyke I thought things were going great 'till she ran off screaming... ------------------> Please draw the attention of the members of your group/organisation and/or network to this information. Thank you. You are welcome to send items or hyperlinks of interest to others on the 650+ mailing list. The shorter the better! The final decision on whether to include something rests with us, however. No correspondence will be entered into! The contents of this E|Newsletter do not represent the opinions of PRIDE, Sydney Gay & Lesbian Community Centre. If you would like to add yourself or someone else to the mailing list please forward the address. If you do not wish to receive further E|Newsletters contact us. Feedback is always well received! ------------------> E|Newsletter Archives THE PRIDE CHARTER PRIDE Sydney Gay & Lesbian Community Centre Limited ------- e-mail: - - fax: (+61 2) 9331 1199 - - ph: (+61 2) 9331 1333 - post: PO Box 7, Darlinghurst NSW 2010