Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 08:57:38 EDT Press release from LOIS in Victoria, Australia. DYKES TAKE OVER PARLIAMENT! LOIS - Lesbians Organising in Solidarity Today at 3.30 pm, thirty lesbians and their friends took over the Victorian Legislative Assembly. We swamped the public gallery and, chanting "Queer Rights Now!" and hurling streamers, dropped a huge purple banner into the chamber below. The banner read: LESBIAN TRANSGENDER BI AND GAY WE DEMAND REAL RIGHTS NOW! Here's why we did it: LOIS is a broadbased direct action group of lesbian, bisexual and transgendered women. We are voicing the protests of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities against the Kennett Government's proposed amendments to the Equal Opportunity Act in regards to discrimination on the basis of sexuality. While change is welcome, we believe that the amendments as they are proposed are unwieldy, inadequate, and perpetuate homophobic discrimination. Firstly The proposed legislation does not provide protection for the transgendered. Secondly A clause has been proposed which specifically permits discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenderists who work with young people. This perpetuates the homophobic myth that it is predominantly homosexuals who molest children. The fact is, the overwhelming numbers of perpetrators of child abuse are heterosexual men. Thirdly A clause has been proposed which specifically permits discrimination on the basis of appearance. This restricts the rights of lesbians and gays, in addition to many other cultural groups, to express diversity. The subjective nature of this clause will allow the persecution of lesbians, gays and particularly transgenderists as well as other minority groups to continue under another guise. Finally We believe that the wording of the proposed amendments as "lawful sexual activity" is inadequate. Sexuality is about more than what you do in bed: it is about identity, culture and the way we live our lives. The criminal codes exist to deal with "sexual activity" which is unlawful. Lesbians, transgenderists, gays and bisexuals demand the right to live our lives and express our differences free from discrimination.