Subject: Family benefits for "queer" families: a test case. Date: Wed, 09 Feb 1994 17:42:56 +1000 From: Erik van Keulen ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Hallo all! I'm writing on behalf of the (Australian) National Council for Lesbian and Gay Rights. Here in Australia, we're lodging a test claim made possible by recent changes to the Industrial Relations Act. The changes might make it possible for family and partnership benefits available through work, to be extended to same-gender partners and other people that lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgenderists think of as "family". Our list of extensions to the concept of "family", in increasing level of audacity, includes: - making "marriage" available to same-gender couples - recognising de facto (cohabiting) couples, whatever gender-mix - recognising significant non-cohabiting relationships (not yet available even for heterosexual couples) - recognising "carer responsibility" for purposes of leave for the children of any of the above, whether or not both partners have custody of those children (If your same-gender partner has a child, you're not likely to have custody over that child but you might need a day off work to care for the child.) This is more general than domestic partner benefits, since we'd like non-cohabiting significant relationships to be recognised too, whatever the gender-mix. To make the claim, we've referred as thoroughly as we could to the Partnership Registration Laws of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and to the policies of companies like Apple Computer, Lotus, and so on. The courts making a decision on this case are open to previous examples, whether in other countries or under the different state legislation within Australia. We're still trying to get documentation we can include in our submission. Notably, copies of the Scandinavian legislation and copies of company policies that extend partnership benefits to same-gender couples. I have all the documents one might find on the QRD (that great resource!), but we still need documentation of existing policies... We need this urgently! (Sorry...) We have some funds available; we could pay for _some_ express postage or faxing, if we can get the money to you. (I guess mailing cheques!) Of course, e-mail is the most convenient for us... I hope some of you can help! Contact information is: Erik van KEULEN S.V.R.C., Department of Computer Science University of Queensland Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA fax: +61 7 365 1533 Thanks for your time! ________________________________________erik@cs.uq.oz.au_______ Life is a Holiday in the same way that glass is a liquid \ / ____________________________________________________________\/